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The Four Horsemen (Now with more mercenaries!)


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I'd say 10 is a bit small, maybe that could be the command staff. To be any sort of a real threat to the big guys, they'd need at least a few dozen to a hundred or so. Just guys to get beat up on when they fight so they don't have to keep replacing guys. Just a suggestion.

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Okay, so we have established that mercenary groups are possible. Now to establish the size and other restrictions.


I'm thinking a small team, maybe 20 to 30. If you start getting much larger than that, then various countries would (probably realistically) treat the group as a military threat to the security of their outlying villages. A smaller size also avoids the temptation of every other division at DM to treat them as their own little punching bag, much the way the Trollocs have been treated in the past. To reintroduce the Four Horsemen-type thing, have the group led by 3 to 5 captains, each with different skill sets and ideas. That way, the group isn't subject to the whims of one individual.


Small-group tactics and planning would be the only way a group this small would be able to survive. Things like diversionary attacks to allow small strike teams to enter unimpeded, multi-pronged pinpoint assaults, supply line harassment, and guerrilla warfare would be their stock in trade.


My one big fear with this is, if it manages to become popular, it might draw people away from the Band or the CotL, the two actual armies who could probably use the people more than a mercenary group.



That's a small team? *laughs* Due to there not being as many members in FL at the moment, I think 10 at most (at least to start off with) would be a more appropriate limit, and even that may be stretching it. I haven't seen a flood of people coming into the RP community, and so we might still be stepping on toes. The Band is the main mercenary group on DM, we don't want to start a rival group, and the Children of the Light is the other military group on here.


Also, the maximum WS that can be assigned by a BC is 5 for the Freebooters, as the mercenaries would fall under the FB Guild. I'm afraid it's unlikely that we can make an exception for these bios, even the leaders, as other members not involved could view it as favouritism. That would require the characters to RP to get their WS up to the skill they wanted, and if you have a character that starts at WS 5, it wouldn't take too long to get the WS up if the character is active.


Weapon Scores Example:


5. With a bit more work could be accepted into an army or a decent mercenary company.


8. You’re a veteran at this point, maybe you’ve had the luxury of instruction in a professional military force or you’ve picked it all up over a period of time.


10. You’re on par with some of the finer soldiers that military companies such as the Queen’s Guard of Andor or the Tower Guard of Tar Valon have to offer.


For the complete list of Weapon Scores, click here.


I'm definitely not against the idea, in fact I really like it, I'm just trying to make sure that it will work out without unintended consequences.


Arlow :)


That's the reason why I went with ten.


Unless I worded something wrong (entirely possible), I don't picture the group as front-line soldiers. They're based more around harrying and targeted attacks. On the front line, in a pitched battle, against an opposing military group? That's stripping away every advantage that they'd have, and they would be torn to pieces. If they ended up in a battle like that, it would be because something went terribly, terribly wrong.

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That's the reason why I went with ten.


Unless I worded something wrong (entirely possible), I don't picture the group as front-line soldiers. They're based more around harrying and targeted attacks. On the front line, in a pitched battle, against an opposing military group? That's stripping away every advantage that they'd have, and they would be torn to pieces. If they ended up in a battle like that, it would be because something went terribly, terribly wrong.


Hehe I dunno know, but i kinda got the same impression that the group would be front line soldiers with some cloak and dagger abilities :blush:


Badriyah, you'll have to send in your bio to FLDiv@dragonmount.com, rather than putting it up yourself. Sorry for the inconvenience it may cause!


Arlow :)

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