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Hi all

Janie Green

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Just finished book 9 and started book 10. Yes, I have read the whole series but am rereading in order to get everything straight. Faavourite characters have to be Mat blood and ashes Cauthon and Perrin Goldeneyes.


Welcome to Dragonmount.com

We have many different forums and sub-forums where you can discuss practically anything that you want. I encourage you to browse the forums, read and also participate in the countless discussions that are ongoing. Also, some of the places where WOT fans can have the most fun are in the various Social Groups here, based upon different groups written by Robert Jordan in the Wheel of Time. If you are interested, post what you like best in The Wheel of Time series, and then you can be given suggestions as to which ones of the Social Groups on Dragonmount that you might like.

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Welcome to Dragonmount. As said in the above statement there are a variety of boards that you can delve into and quite possibly get lost in. Social boards are a fun way to get interactive with other members and have topics ranging from all sorts of things. Currently joining the BotRH. Also we have the disscusion boards. where you can ask questions and debate with other members on topics such as Wot, news, sports, or maybe spiderman. IDK lol anything and everything. Theres also the ACW guild which is for writers, artists, and crafters, which is were you can show of your creative talents if you deem to join. Im currently joining there as well. Last but not least, and probably one of my favorite things is our RP boards, where you can drift into the world of randland and create a character from the series and embark on your own quests with other members. IF you are interested in any of these things do tell and well be happy to help you out!!

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