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Elayne,Nynaeve,Aviendha and Mat


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Surely you don't advocate just leaving those powerful creatures, "laying around?" :biggrin:


I'd rather see channeling simply disappear.


LOL touch to Randsc.


The thanks he got for the Gholam was to be used as a pawn in the Sea Folk negotiations. Thanks ladies!


Also, the whole all ter'angreal belonging to the White Tower is such a BS writ. That would be like Shienar declaring all swords belong to them.


It is not a BS writ. In TFoH, Moiraine decides to bring the Rhuidean ter'angreal to the WT, because Moiraine thinks they belong to the WT (is it even a Tower Law? I should check WoT wikia for that). That's no BS writing.


It is nothing but a bluff as the AS have no way to enforce it....the horde at Tear is almost equal to that of the WT How come the AS did not try to claim it for a thousand years?


Most ways AS enforce(or used to enforce) their influence is by bluff and bluster. If they get called on it or they meet someone who can negate their advantage of the OP, it is game over.


Mat sure does take a lot of crap from AS in general and Elayne in particular and her dept to him only gets bigger and bigger (not that any of them even see that). Anyways. this is just another example why Mat is the way he is towards any AS and their requests. wink.gif


I think Avi does respect Mat as a skilled Battle Leader but considers him an oaf as far as his manners, although she was the one to convince Elayne that she had Toh towards Mat...


Elayne started to change her opinion of Mat in Ebou Dar, when she came to appreciate his help finding the bowl and his offer to let her study the Foxhead; even more so after he saved her from the Gholam and helped get a favorable bargain with the Windfinders.


Nynaeve was the most reluctant to change her view of Mat from her Wisdom perspective; yet after she left Ebou Dar, she seems to have become more sympathetic towards him. It is possible that Lan influenced this shift or a sense of guilt from having to leave him in Ebou Dar, a city that was known to have fallen to the Seanchan shortly after the trio's departure. I was shocked by the vehemence of Nynaeve's defense of Mat when Tuon made some casual comments about him while meeting with Rand.


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