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Looking for green or yellow AS for rp


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My new novice is the child of a green sister who was killed by darkfriends. One of her closest friends was a yellow sister. Im looking for people for rp as either knew her mother or knew of her mother and mothers friends. feel free to read bio and also feel free to pm me.



Edited by Otpelk Cainam
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what im asking is my mother was killed.. the tower was never notified she died. there are a few different options. questionings,her learning about her mother, or anything else that might make an interesting rp.

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What OC is looking for here is purely character development.


Sora grew up knowing she was the daughter of a Green Aes Sedai and her Warder/husband, but no one at the WT knows they are dead or that they had a daughter.


So Valeri has just had this girl show up to become a Novice - wearing a Great Serpent ring on a necklace.


We were thinking it would be good to have a Green be involved in a thread that delves into Sora's mother's history and notifies the Green's of the loss to the Ajah.

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I am FAR less confused now! Thank you Ama


Okay I can offer up Rasheta, how old would you want your Aes Sedai to be in the main timeline. Rasheta is around 100 now. So she's held the shawl about sixty years I believe. I need to know so I can put Rasheta at the right age with the right warder. *laughs*

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Umm... there's only 1 problem... Greens don't publicize having children. The Greens have had a standing policy for as long as I can remember that any acknowledged children of a Green (regardless of the father) are taken away from their mother to be raised by someone else, as this would make them a liability to the Green in question. We flirt, we bond a hundred warders and, heck, we even marry them, but we don't have their kids. At least, not where anyone else would know about it...


Now, the good news (if you want to call it that) is that the Green in question is dead and that she had wandered away from TV and the Tower to have the child. Since Lor and Kyn (*clears her throat* me and my wardie/husband) did the exact same thing and stayed away from the Tower for 30 years to hide the kids and stay out of trouble. In fact, to this day, no one else in the Tower knows she's had kids or where they are and it's going to stay that way.


That being said, considering how long Lor and Rasheta have been around, it's possible that either (or both) of them might've known Sora's mother. Not being raised by anyone with knowledge of the Greens' rules about these things (we're pretty tight-lipped about our rules), Sora might stumble in and start the "hey, just letting you know, my mom's dead..." flag waving, but she'd be hushed up pretty quickly by the Greens. It might make for some interesting RP'ing, though.


You can count Lor in for some explanation and hushing up, too. Amena (The Green Head) will probably be tagging along to make sure Sora's scared enough to stay quiet about it, too. We can always do some symbolic moving of her mother's portrait in the Green Wing and sneak Sora in for it, as well, as her mother would be in the MiA collection at the moment.


So, I can come up with 3 RP's for some character development, for ya! :D

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