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New Initiate Lost her way

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So, I receive the wonderful email saying I am an initiate of the WT and that my mentors are Tynaal and Kathleen...yay! i saw my progress on the Google doc.spreadsheet and then tried to find the Aspirant Common Room to post on my thread but every time i go there it turns into Ergonaut entertainment and I wanted to know if this is normal and what am I supposed to do, or if I didn't follow through with the directions properly please tell me what I need to do


Hi Tamara!


You're fine honey, welcome to the White Tower! Here's what I suspect is happening:


The Aspirant Common Room is on a board that is hidden to non-members. Once you have been admitted to the Tower (which you have!) then the Admins and powers-that-Be must give you access to those boards that are hidden. Probably it is just taking an eensy amount of time to make that happen, but I'm sure it will be sorted out soon!


Argonaut entertainment is the server that old DM was on, and so dead links all lead there. So, if you can follow this linky, then you're in already, and it is a dead link, but if not, just check back in a day or two.


Welcome again, hon, and come visit us in the Greens when you can!!


What they all said *nods*


Welcome! Have fun joining in where you can see things - just remember to read all the pinned topics (those are the ones at the top of the boards) at each new board you can see. And if you have questions, ask any of the staff :biggrin:


asgbOOk, thanks for clearing it up everybody, I think i am in now since I found the aspirant common room the dormitories etc. I will try to stop by the different ajahs asap and now I was wondering if I need to post on the Req. Room or not? *curtsy and bow my head in thanks for the wisdom.rolleyes.gif


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