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Decree by the Amyrlin - get yer shawl wearing tushies in here!


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Dar said I could make a decree, so here it is:


Now as you all are completely, utterly and blissfully unaware of, a signal honour has befallen the White Tower. One of the most notorious "alleged" criminals from another World, called Earthland, is being put on trial. (That's the name of the World, not the "alleged criminal", btw. For some reason our guests all get hysterical when we try to utter his name.) Due to our unparalleled reputation, it has been decided that the trial will be held right here in the White Tower, with your illustrious Amyrlin presiding as chief ... judge. *Sniffs, sulks and pouts a bit*. I thought they wanted me as chief executioner, but no one ever lets me have any fun!


The Warders have been tasked with security but of course as Aes Sedai I'm sure you will all be well able to take care of yourselves. You are therefore primarily tasked with the security of myself. *Claps her hand over her ear and rips out that stupid flaming Ter'Angreal Dar found in Earthland and foisted on her.* Hah! Stupid thing. Where was I? Oh right and of course the security of our guests. Apparently this "alleged" criminal is known for some dirty rotten tricks and there's some concern about the safety of witnesses etc.


Your main area of responsibility will be at the main hall here: http://www.dragonmou...ldemorts-trial/


Ok so that was just background, really. My decree is this:




K thanks.


*Does little jig* Man I love decreeing stuffs!

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Feel free to object loudly and vociferously to the presence of a White Cloak in the WT, the trial in general or anything else you want to object about. Or comment on. :biggrin:


Make it good, though - no random spamming.

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A white cloak?! By the nine hells!!!! *runs*



*cough* Not to, uh, ruin you're dramatic exit or anything, but if there's only one, couldn't three warders just take him out behind the wood shed and mess him up a little bit?

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A white cloak?! By the nine hells!!!! *runs*



*cough* Not to, uh, ruin you're dramatic exit or anything, but if there's only one, couldn't three warders just take him out behind the wood shed and mess him up a little bit?


Excellent idea...wanna take care of that for me? Mother originally let him bring 100 with him, but for some reason he came alone...heh

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Eh, I'm more for getting the other warders in trouble. Mischief and all that. I could possibly get him to walk through a doorway with a bucket of whitewash over it, but I'm not thinking that that'll do anything, really.

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