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Is the Dragon a dreamer?


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Thanks..but did he say anything about whether it is actually evil to enter in flesh or is it a false WO belief?


Well, do keep in mind that Luc/Isam enters T'A'R in the flesh all the time and he smells inhuman to Perrin.

Luc/Isam is probably not a good measuring stick as he is a very special case and who knows what his unique nature implies. It's possible that the Wise Ones are right on this but that has never been shown. RJ never said anything about this in the interviews either.

Another point to consider is that none of the Forsaken have any misgivings about hanging out in TAR in the flesh. They are highly experienced in TAR which was well studied in AoL. And they are careful about other potentially harmful to themselves activities such as channeling TP.


In the WoT world, not necessarily. The DO is evil and that's a fact. No belief there. Maybe entering TAR in the flesh is evil but if you're already a darkfriend then it won't affect you . . . Pure speculation here as I have no idea how that would work.


I've always thought that "entering the dream in the flesh" is thought to be evil simply because of memories/legends of the forsaken using it to manipulate/torture/kill during the War of Power. At one point Amys (?) even says "it was used for evil" as a justification for condemning it.


-- dwn


In the WoT world, not necessarily. The DO is evil and that's a fact. No belief there. Maybe entering TAR in the flesh is evil but if you're already a darkfriend then it won't affect you . . . Pure speculation here as I have no idea how that would work.



DO is not evil. Those spawned by Creator, the eternal enemy of DO, believe it so. I am sure no Fade part of this survey :biggrin:


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