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Hello, my lovelies! So here's a little background for my proposed RP. In his first life, Slayer was given an ashanderei forged in Thakan'dar. When he was killed by Ben-T Gaidin, the weapon was taken to the White Tower... presumably to be studied by the Browns, but could also just be in a big pile in some storeroom, that all depends on if any Browns want to play. Anywho... with Tarmon Gai'don coming, he needs it back. More detail is on the T'A'R board if you want to read that. To do this he is going to pose as a servant so he can try and narrow down his search of at least where not to look. Also if there are any Black Ajah there, he could find you out. If any non-Chosen has a list of names, at least of the higher ranking ones, it would be Slayer especially given his background as an Assassin, so there doesn't have to be some big search for that also.


What would be your reasoning/intent with finding the BA members? We don't like to be found out so much, especially in the White Tower...But that is not to say we wouldn't be, I'd just like to know your plot before we come jumping out..Ps has this been approved already between the DLs of our groups?


Has Amy stamp of approval, via PM.


I suggested that the BA might want to play with him, since you guys are so active these days :wink:


Wonderful! It sounds like a fun rp, I was just making sure :) I didn't mean to sounding snooty or whatever, I was just asking questions...I like rps..specially BA ones :)


So here's my basic plan...


Since I just can't not kill (it wouldn't be very Slayery of me if I didn't), I was thinking of taking out a couple male servants so there are some job openings, one would be a little suspicious "Hey, you want a servant?" "Yeah, wierd, one just died yesterday". It won't be messy, they'd just dissapear as far as anyone else knew. I can drag them into T'A'R.


As the Shadow's top Assassin, even before he was Slayer, Peaten would have a list of Black Ajah members, either as former employers or contacts. Plus there is a list of top Darkfriends in the Tower of the Black Dawn... just in case someone decides to go rogue *g* They may not know exactly where it's at (acctually to make the RP better they shouldn't), but along with his own job as a servant, they can let them know were it isn't. One can even secure him a job in the armories or storage areas, though I'm sure a weapon like that would be deep under the Tower.


In his time there, he can also gain intel to give to the Nae'blis. There can be time to interact with Accpted, Sisters, Warders and Tower Guards. Things could be figured out to do while I'm there. When I leave, I might have to nick someone with my beautiful blade and leave them where they can be found as a last "ha ha", but killings will be at a minimum.


Don, could you give us a bit more background on Slayer, Peaten and the Tower of the Black Dawn? Most of us here (me included) have absolutely no clue what that's all about ... lol


Ok, I'll try to make this very long story as short as possible.


First the Shar Mahdi, Blood Seekers. They were formed just before the Trolloc Wars by a wandering Darkfriend, who visited many countries and learned their martial arts. The first disciples of Daghain went on to form the original Order. When the Trolloc Wars started, our version of Ba'alzamon, Demandred, became their patron, officially making them a distinct Order among Friends of the Dark. They were sent out as the Shadow's Assassins during the War. As the War came to a close, Tar Machen Rahien, the Tower of the Black Dawn, was built for them. Since then, it has pretty much been the Shadow's version of the White Tower, at least as far as hording information and artifacts goes. The Shar Mahdi have a running master list on both leaders of the Shadow, as until recently, they have been their primary employers; and a hit list, noted with a number of priority.


Fast forward about 2000 years to the fall of Malkier. Like Isam in the books, Peaten al'Kar is the son of the King's brother, a little older than our "Lan" character. When Malkier fell, his mother fled with her five children south to Andor, near Caemlyn. Peaten became a crook, then Darkfriend. Always thinking of his homeland, he left to visit it on a feeling when he was a young teenager. He was found at the edge of the Blight, half dead, by an apprentice Assassin, who also had a feeling of wandering the Blight for a bit. He took him to the Tower for training. Peaten moved up faster than anyone else ever had, becoming apprenticed to the one who found him, one of the bright young talents in the Tower. Soon learned of Demandred's plan to have him sit on the throne of Malkier, under the Shadow as its overlord. When he became Master of Combat, by defeating the former Master, he was allowed a Myrrdraal strength blade forged in Thakan'dar, a rare gift even among Shar Mahdi. As the Shadow's best fighter, when the order came down to kill the Warder known as the greatest swordsman alive, Peaten took the assignment himself. Instead of attacking at night from the Shadows, pride took over and he challenged the Warder to a fair duel. They were as evenly matched as could be, but Peaten eventually lost. He died and his weapon was taken to the Tower.


His soul returned into the World of Dreams by the grace of the Great Lord of the Dark. After some training with Demandred, Peaten was left to his own devices for a while to get used to his new realm. He was summoned to the Pit of Doom and given a body in which he could walk the world of the living. He couldn't change it once he was in the waking world, but the ability to enter T'A'R in the flesh meant he could change bodies there and walk the world once again as Peaten. As Peaten he returned to the Tower, killing the Master of the Order and taking over as the new Head of the Shar Mahdi. As his skill in the dream increased, his lust for death made him find new targets: wolves mostly, but anyone else walking the dream, even Aes Sedai. To the Shadow is is known as the Man with Two Souls, to the wolves he is known as Slayer.


With Tarmon Gaidon coming, Peaten was instructed to begin repopulating Malkier, building an army of Darkfriends and Shadowspawn. The Nae'blis instucted Peaten to make it as powerful as possible, which meant it's leader needed his most fearful weapon... which is where the White Tower comes in...


Sorry I tried to shorten it as much as possible, but the character has been around for 11 years of RPing, so theres kind of a lot.


That's amazing, Don! Never knew this part of the PSW history, so thanks SO much for sharing that with us :wub:


Thanks guys! It was my pleasure sharing. As the last of the Shar Mahdi (PC-wise anyways), its good to let other people know about us either to join or RP with.


So who IC should I go to to be hired as a servant?

  On 6/28/2011 at 6:27 PM, keyholder21 said:

That's an excellent story :D. Makes me wish I had a Black character so I could be part of it!



That can be arranged...:D


Ack ... I think you might want to go directly to a Black to arrange the hiring, Don.


I posted my intentions on the WT RP board, but like real life, plans can change when given a better opportunity. I'm flexible, as is Peaten


I gave a link to this thread in the Black Ajah Board so any Black Ajah members who don't see this should see that and come here if they are interested in helping out.


Alia is the current head (we are working on getting her RP'd into the head) but she is the head in the main timeline as it stands elsewhere around the world. She is played by me. So if you need someone you can find her, and she can find anyone else. If you need a second person and no one else wants to play I do have another Black, who is very very new to the Ajah, but would help out. Alia can get a hold of her, as she woudn't be on your list.


I said, they only have boards for Ajah's that exist. Sadly, the only people who know we exist are our members....or dead. *stabs Emily to death*


*stops spamming and disappears into the night*


Thanks Kathleen!


So I've decided since I'm RPing again I'd re-install yahoo messenger. Its dudewheresmybus@yahoo.com. Its not something I plan to be on often, to be honest, but its a quick way to talk to people, so I'll let myself be found once in a while


No problem!


I just added you to mine, its kat.alcorma@gmail.com sometimes it doesn't go through so if you don't see that I added you, try adding me ok?

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