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Gaidal Cain is Olver and Verin is alive.


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Dont know if someone else has spoken about these things already? Then please tell me.


1. Caidal Cain is Olver. Olver is plain ugly, and is growing up to being a mercenary. Birgitte is already fond of him, unluckely she was cast into the world a little to early. OK I see this has its own thread.


2. Verin is alive. Why do you think Brandon had to add that awkward story in TGS of the village of dying and coming back to life every day? And why did Verin go there? Ofcourse so she could travel via gateway to the white tower, take her life, tell Egwene the secrets of the Black Ajah in her last breaths, and then die and just be reborn into the village of undead the next day.


3 Perris newly forged weapon is clearly, by the name, taken from norse mythology. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mj%C3%B6lnir





1. Oh dear, not this again. It seems you have found the thread, but just to be sure. RJ has confirmed that Olver is not Gaidal, there really shouldnt be any thread on it.


2. I suppose it could be, its very interesting now that you mention it, I kinda like the idea alot. The only problems i see with it is a) the villagers all die by night and such. We dont know if the same happens in the daytime when they are acting normal. I am pretty sure that Verin didnt die at night while in crazy zombie mode. b) not sure about the BA oaths. If the theory is true, then she would know she wasnt actually going to die. But, she could convince herself of the technicallities etc... c) we get no mention of Verin's body disappearing or anything strange happening to it. d) just the way Verin talks, its clear that she thinks she is going to die. She first tried to get the Oath Rod to remove the compulsion. The letters she sent, wouldnt really be needed. If she was alive, she would have shown up and sealed the waygate herself, or contacted Mat as she said.



3. Possibly, I dont know. Its likely, since Perrin is derived in part from Thor and other norse legends would most likely be included.

  On 5/16/2011 at 3:49 PM, Nerthus said:

Dont know if someone else has spoken about these things already? Then please tell me.


1. Caidal Cain is Olver. Olver is plain ugly, and is growing up to being a mercenary. Birgitte is already fond of him, unluckely she was cast into the world a little to early. OK I see this has its own thread.


2. Verin is alive. Why do you think Brandon had to add that awkward story in TGS of the village of dying and coming back to life every day? And why did Verin go there? Ofcourse so she could travel via gateway to the white tower, take her life, tell Egwene the secrets of the Black Ajah in her last breaths, and then die and just be reborn into the village of undead the next day.


3 Perris newly forged weapon is clearly, by the name, taken from norse mythology. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mj%C3%B6lnir




1. answered by by Barid Bel Medar.

2. I don't see any chance of that. to begin with if Verin's body disappeared from the White Tower people would surely notice.

3. Definitely yes. The name of Thor's hammer (Mjöllnir) is an obvious giveaway.


Verin never went to Hinderstrap. She waited for Mat in Trustair, a different village. She wouldn't even know of Hinderstrap.


1. Not being sarcastic, but it is quite amazing how many newcomers to WoT make this supposition. I certainly did, until I saw that RJ had specifically ruled it out.


2. I don't think anyone would WANT to be caught in the Hinders-trap (excuse the pun)! It sounds a truly awful existence, and is possibly either a taster of the 'delights' the DO has for the people in Randland if It does break out; or it's something brought about by Fain, who has already demonstrated an ability to recycle time (TGH10, WH33).


3. That was my first thought when he named it.


1. Olver is apparently not Cain. Jordan said he wasn't. I don't take the statements of authors at panel discussions and book signings as Word of God. Word of God is what's on the page. I suppose it is possible that Olver is Cain, Jordan realized that when he was asked the question, answering "no comment" or "read and find out" would be the functional equivilent of "Yes", and so he lied to preserve the story. But I doubt it.


2. Verin never went to Hinderstrap.


3. Obviously.


i don't know if verin is alive, but i wonder if everything or anything she said can be assumed to be true. i love verin, she's a great character, and reminds me of miss marple. but she introduces herself as black ajah by showing egwene she can easily lie. i have to at least wonder if she was acting on the DO's orders even at the (apparent) end of her life. i can't see the DO leaving a loophole that wide, and i definitely can't believe, if he did, that noone discovered it before. surely a lawyer or two with experience in contracts must have signed up with the dark side before this.


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