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Crafting Items


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I'm starting a topic on the Farm Board that will need participation for a Soldier, Dedicated or Both. When it starts, feel free to jump in, but only up to one of each, Arath and Skechid if he deigns to grace me with his presence.

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I'd post, but I figure it's probably better to allow someone who actually needs OP lesson credits to have first crack. That, and I should probably get back to Operation: Baran's Talent.


Which reminds me, I should probably harass Arath about that Ter'Angreal list at some point...

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Jump on in Baran. No one else has yet. And I'm not sure this will give credit for anything. It's just good old fashioned RPG fun. You make Ter'Angreal? Maybe you could see some small something in what I'm doing that might be keeping me from getting the Final result of a Power Wrought Weapon.

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Nah, Baran can only identify ter'angreal and their purposes. Arath on the other hand, can craft them. Part of why I wanted in on it. Help Ragnar make something nifty, and get help figuring out a problem with angreal.


And I'll get the list up soon Grimm. Most of it has been approved already, and I just need to make my lazy self post it.

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