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SinisterDeath's Crazy Speculation Thread!


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  • Community Administrator

Okay, The basis of this thread is my 'ideas' as to what the future of WoT holds. Since everything regarding it is, by definition, Speculation, Whats the harm in me throwing out my random thoughts on it?


Recently, I've been reading the Dune Series.

I started it way back when the rocks were soft, and opra was fat (the first time), never finished it.

I finally did, as well as all the other novels (minus most of the prequels by his son, but did read his 'finishers' of the series assuming thats how the orginal author meant to finish it. If not as good as he would have done it.)


Now, I know every sci-fi, every fantasy book, takes ideas from others, shares them, spits them out, puts them in a blender, than gives them to there neibhor to drink giggling all the while in there head; However, I do believe, that there is going to be some correlation in the over-all plots and themes. WoT may not 'end' exactly the same but I think it'll provide a good 'frame work'..


Why Dune and not.. LOTR?

Simple, theres far more in common between Dune and WoT than there is between WoT and LOTR. (aside from the lack of dwarves and goblins, unless you count padan fain as a goblin/golum)


Dune, had the Bene Gesserit. Theres alot in common (obviously) between them, and Aes Sedia.

An All Female Organization, with there own 'base' that is primarilly all-female with males acting mostly as there servants, gaurdians, and.... boy toys.

They are the power behind the power.

They lie when they have to, But generally, they find the best lie, is the one that is hidden in the Truth. (sound familiar?)

They manipulate the populous, and manipulate the nations & religions of the world.


They maynot be able to throw fireballs, or cause cups to leviate, But they have total control of every muscle in there body. (Meaning they can control, every muslce 'anywhere' at will, no short cuts, so they can, for instance, bend the very end of there finger without moving the rest of it. To go with this, there hand eye cordination, and reflexes are simply... out of this world. (Later novels, they basically can kick a persons head off)


But thats not really there true power, it just an Aid. There 'real' power is the fact, that they have unlocked the past memories, experiences, emotions, from all there past female ancestors. They aren't simply 'Angela' they are, Angela + All of there ancestors. They are thre mother, grandmother, great-grand-mother in one person.


But they have a limit. They can't 'tap' their male lineage.


Sound familiar?

Aes Sedia - Saidar

Male - Aes Sedia Sadain.


They call this 'male' version, the Kwisatz Haderach.

This male version, while slightly different than the male version in wot, can Access both the male, and female shared genetic memories. And uhh. He's also able to see into the future, At any point in time, and any of the millions of possible futures, while living in the present. Escentially meaning, It be like your able to see, Every possible outcome, before it happens, While its happening, and you can 'choose' each one as it happens. (I don't even want to get into how 'fast' this all occurs but how 'slow' it must apear to the guy in question... a single moment of time could be like 100 years for him...)


Anyways, how does this tie into WoT?


Well in the latest book, When Rand finally came to terms with everything that has happened, He 'merged' with Lewis Therin in a very real way. This way, reminds me of the genetic memory that the Bene Geserit have, only instead of being 'genetic' its more of a 'soul-memory' or 'past lives of that soul'.


So, Whats the point?

Not much, Aside from that correlation between the Kwisatz Haderach, and Rand.

Should be noted, that in Dune, Paul Atredies, was a Kwisatz Haderach, but he wasn't the "Ultimate Kwisatz Haderach".

Who was the "Ultimate Kwisatz Haderach"?


Duncan Idaho


Will this apply to WoT?

Possibly not. But who says the dragon must be the one to save existance?

After all.

The Previous Dragon.



Now heres another thing.

Jessica, Paul Atreides mother, not used to the Freemen lifestyle, or there... umm Parties, Didn't expect that massive consumption of Spice (one power? Something else?) would cause her un-born daughter, To become, self aware in the womb.

And not only that, Obtain the same power as the Bene Geserit Before being born! (Imagine an infant, Born as an Adult, with all the memories of every past life, But no real experiences of its own.)


So wheres this come in to WoT?


What did Aviendah Just do?

She took her test in the Rings in Rhudian.

This showed her a possible future.

She then, decided to go through it, again, and again, and again.

Each time, showed her a progressive future of a possible descendent of hers.


What if.

Aveindah were in fact, Pregant at this time?

Or, IF she becomes pregant soon after?

Whats to say, going through those rings so many times, combined with her OP usage, isn't going to make Mins Viewing about one of Aviendahs children coming out 'strange'. What if this 'strangeness' is in fact a condition very similar to Paul Atredies Sister & Children? Will it matter? Probably not. At least not unless 'outrigger' novels are put out.


Thats along the lines of some of my speculation.


One crazy one I thought of today was simply this.


Isaac Asimovs Foundation novels + Frank Herberts Dune, being very similar in over all story-arch types-plots-whatever, do share one thing much to the common.


Robots enslaved Humanity.


Dune, The 'enemy' was a band rogue of 'witches', Once defeated.. There was a greater enemey.. (robots)

Foundation, well, That gets complicated but much the same. one enemey leads to another, to another and the final? Robots. (kinda)


Now consider MistBorn.

Who was the Enemy?

Who was the REAL Enemy?


Is there a reason Jordan liked Brandon so much? What if the DO is just a small fry?

What if the real enemey is in fact....











I just don't buy your basic logic. There being similarities in the setting doesn't mean that the end will even be remotely comparable.


Also: their, there, they're. Use it. :biggrin:



  • Community Administrator

I just don't buy your basic logic. There being similarities in the setting doesn't mean that the end will even be remotely comparable.


Also: their, there, they're. Use it. :biggrin:


Sure, it may not 'mean' that the ends 'may' not be remotely possible, but it is 'still' possible. And as I said, its Speculation. You can speculate about anything all you want and doesn't mean you have to be right.


But hey, I believed Grendal was in fact, not killed by Rand.


And guess what?

I was right. ;)


As for There, Their, and They're, If I were making a report plausibly for a buisness, where my job was on the line, I'd probably make sure my grammar was infact, Correct, But I could care less on the basics, aside from driving grammar nazis insane. I wrote that post in about 5 minutes. ;)


Sure, it may not 'mean' that the ends 'may' not be remotely possible, but it is 'still' possible. And as I said, its Speculation. You can speculate about anything all you want and doesn't mean you have to be right.



Oh, I agree but like I said I don't buy the basic logic behind your speculation. Other than that it was a nice read. :)




But hey, I believed Grendal was in fact, not killed by Rand.

And guess what?

I was right. ;)



I'm glad you were. Can you resurrect Semi for the next book, too? :)



As for There, Their, and They're, If I were making a report plausibly for a buisness, where my job was on the line, I'd probably make sure my grammar was infact, Correct, But I could care less on the basics, aside from driving grammar nazis insane. I wrote that post in about 5 minutes. ;)


Just makes it harder to read for users whose first language isn't English. I struggle with your language at the best of times. Sometimes I despair... :biggrin:



Unless of course your mother tongue isn't English either. In that case just disregard my whining.



  • Community Administrator

Of course my native language is English, thats why I make such appalling mistakes. ;)


You don't even Agree with the possibility that Bela is in fact, more powerful than the DO or hte Creator combined? :P


Of course my native language is English, thats why I make such appalling mistakes. ;)



That seems to be quite common, yeah. :p


You don't even Agree with the possibility that Bela is in fact, more powerful than the DO or hte Creator combined? :P

I thought this thread was about speculation, not about facts. Everybody knows Bela IS the creator.





But Pips is Neigh'blis as well, dont forge


I like the idea of Aviendhas kid being affected by the rings but I just have trouble believing she really is pregant. Unless AMoL shows that her and Rand got busy again


Hi guys,


I believe that min's viewing of Aviendhas kids being "strange" was already shown to us in that POV of Padra (i think thats the name) when Avi went through the rings. In it it says that she lived constantly embracing saidar or something along those lines. As in, she could channel ridiculously fast because she never had to embrace the source first it was just there and it also states how adept she is at weaves as if they are just an after thought to her. She doesnt really think about channelling at all its just instinctive. That's what i got out of that description so i think when they say that the children will be "wierd" theyll probably be born holding the source *gasps from all female channelers present and probably rand because he gets the saidar goosebumps*. The reason for this is probably going to be either soemthing to do with the rhuidean ter angreal that avi uses or someother ter angreal she works with using her TALENT or just the fact that her and rand are superduper parent channellers or a combination because elaynes pretty strong to and we don't know of anything about her babes being ridiculously strong although they probably will well have to wait and see...thats my speculation..peace

  • Community Administrator

Yea, I totally forgot entirely about that actually lol.


So, theres just another connection entirely between Rand/Atriedies and there 'heirs'.

Rand had to 'learn' to use his power, just like Atriedes, and there children? They are born with it.


Id say its because of the strength of the channeler gene. I always imagined Avi to be stronger than Elayne, plusMorgase was incredibly weak so I can see why Avis kids would be unusual but not Elaynes

  • Community Administrator

You forget, that even during the age of legends, where procreation among 'aes sedia' wasn't discouraged, and strong blood-lines most likely intermerged to create stronger.. Most likely never obtained that state.

It could be something 'new' like many other 'new' things.


But Pips is Neigh'blis as well, dont forge


I like the idea of Aviendhas kid being affected by the rings but I just have trouble believing she really is pregant. Unless AMoL shows that her and Rand got busy again


Until Olver destroys Pips and takes that role for himself.


If I were making a report plausibly for a buisness, where my job was on the line, I'd probably make sure my grammar was infact, Correct, But I could care less on the basics, aside from driving grammar nazis insane.

You take the time to use correct grammar to make your post readable. It's basic courtesy, same as using dots and commas. And capital letters. And breaking your post into paragraphs. I won't force you to use them all, but the more inviting your posts look, the more people will read them, the more you'll have to converse with (assuming that's what you want, which - now that I think about it - might not be the case if you spent all that time preparing us for... Bela).


Unless AMoL shows that her and Rand got busy again

The timelines are all wrong, I think. She didn't come near him before being told to go to Rhuidean, and she wouldn't have delayed after (nor did she intend to come to him before she was made WO).

And... while we're on the subject, 'she' :tongue:


i believe capital letters are morally wrong.




hahahhahahaha. Excellent reply. I just had to say that. I laughed out loud.


YOu all have it wrong though.


Demandred is the creator.


the fact that the dark one speaks in all caps should tell you something.


seriously, though. capital letters exacerbate carpal tunnel syndrome with their superfluous keystrokes.


and they make it seem as if some letters are better than others, and that's one of the roots of the inequality that plagues all of human society.


not to mention that many languages make do without capital letters at all, and these languages are used as courteously as any.


just sayin'.


capital letters should only be used when absolutely necessary, to avoid the attention of the evil eye, and to praise the name of the lord.




You're kidding, right?


How about



Seriously, inequality isn't the problem. The problem is attitudes to inequality.


i was kidding, of course.


but really can't go with you on the problem isn't inequality thing. also won't get into a debate about it.


(oh, and i'm not sure how you're sure the creator said that. again, i won't get into a debate on it, as i've read way too many of those. enough to be unsure.)


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