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Welcome to the Band SingleMort!!!!


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Welcome to the Band of the Red Hand SingleMort!! I'm Kaylen, the recruit liason officer of the Infantry (I do hope you'll come visit us there once your permissions are set up). It is always great to see a new face! Our illustrious leaders Corki, Jea, and Horn will be here soon to welcome you, give you their spiels, and send you some more information, but until then feel free to post anywhere that interests you! Once your permissions get set up there will be a load more boards you can see and explore. :biggrin: If you get lost or confused or have any questions feel free to ask anyone! We're a pretty easy going and fun group and we don't mind questions, we were all new once :wink: Most of all HAVE FUN!!! *hands SingleMort a Guinny to get him started*

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Hiya! I'm Jea, second in command, and as I'm in charge of points I don't have much info to give ya quite yet except that my brownies are the best brownies in the world *hands some over*


Anywho, Horn shall be by shortly to help you begin your recruit training in order to decide on a regiment while Corki will give you a Brew tea and watch Horn do all the work :biggrin:


We should have you added to the usergroup soon to allow you to see lots more stuff around these parts, but until then, jump in wherever you would like to!

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Welcome to the Band! Great to see you here! And a good choice to join this great Social Group!


I have sent in a request for you to be added to our usergroup. So you should shortly see a host of new boards. And as has been mentioned, join in our activities until Horn gets you set up in the Recruit Scheme.

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*Pats Mort on the back.* Hey there! Welcome to the Band! :biggrin:

Drop by the archers for some mischief when you get the chance... *Smiles mysteriously.* We'll be waiting.

*Downs a Flaming Shot and hands Mort his second one.* Nothing fires you up like one of these. :wink:

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