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I'm pleased to announce that we have an extra Bio Checker to help out the FL.


Eqwina is returning to her old job here at the FL and will also continue to play the Head Wise One, which effectively makes her Aiel Leadership Staff as well. She is a highly experienced OLD member of DM who's been a Division Leader of the Warders and has a lot of insight on how things work around the PSW environment. Real Life took her away from us, but now she's back and willing to once again help us all towards becoming the coolest and bestest Division on the block!


Eqwina will be joning myself and Keyholder as Bio Checker, so between the three of us we should be able to handle the endless stream of bios coming in. :happy:


Welcome back! :biggrin:


Welcome back Eq! Thanks for stepping back in to your position OOC and in, you will be a big help! I hope you have fun with it.

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