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AMORE!! Welcome to the Tainted Black Tower


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Welcome to the BT Amore.


Have a look round our Tainty abode and join in anywhere you wish. If you have any questions, then just ask.


Tell us a bit about yourself...and have some Special Brownies :biggrin:


WELCOME AMORE! I am one of the friendly Storm Leaders. That's right. If Talya EVER picks on you, you can tell me, and I'll makes sure she answers for it :P


WELCOME AMORE! I am one of the friendly Storm Leaders. That's right. If Talya EVER picks on you, you can tell me, and I'll makes sure she answers for it :P


I would laugh, but it hurts too much....


lol, thanks everyone ^.^


Something about me?


I'm 22, I live in the southern US, Alabama to be specific. I do hair, and work with animals part time. I have two sister's and I enjoy reading, writing, painting, building things, computer games, a little bit of anything that will hold my interest.


Random fact? I have 4 different species of lizards, a ton of fish, the Rat Pack (4 females), parakeets, and two cats.



Also my favorite color is purple.



Now who likes short walks on the beach and long spells drinking by the water? /join me



*special brownie time.*


I love purple too...good colour! I always thought there should be a purple Ajah....>.>


It must be great to work with animals, is there any particular ones, or just anything?


What kind of painting do you do?


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