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Right... here goes...


I, like the majority of yourselves am a huge fan of the Jordan machine and all that comes with it, including this lovely website.


Now. My one annoyance is that all competitions are closed to those outside of the US (apologies accepted, staff, but not very fulfilling to those of us who feel left outside). It's a big ol'world out there, after all.


I've decided, therefore, to start a petition to request DM open the competitions up. It would mean a lot to us. This petition is unofficial and probably holds no water, but hopefully enough voices will be heard. Consider this message to be my signing, please sign yourselves and many thanks to you all.


Much love!


Most of the issues you are going to run into are of a legal nature, and thus aren't up to the sponsors of the contests. That being said, good luck!

  • Moderator

The reason why the front page contests are US & Canada only isn't just because of shipping. All the giveaways we've done this year were sponsored by an outside party who provides the prize and they get to set the rules. And from what I've been told, there are legal issues with running contests internationally. Every country seems to have their own rules regarding contests and how they should be run. So rather than attempt the impossible task of crafting a contest that is legal in every country, everywhere, the lawyers just make one that is legal for where the majority of the entrants will come from. That means the US and Canada.


So yeah, we hear you. If it was up to me and Jason, we'd open it up to everyone. But unfortunately that's not possible.


Perhaps this thread should be dedicated to asking if any of us here are lawyers, and whether they know the governing rules in their home countries. Perhaps, if someone else did the legal legwork, Tor.com could be persuaded to broaden their aim.


ah well. 'twas worth a shot. never even considered the possibility of legal issues.


thanks anyways, no harm in asking and now i have a reasonable answer!


peace x


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