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Hi Christine and welcome back again. I see you found your original bio from 2006. If I recall correctly, when you returned briefly in 2008 we'd agreed you'd update her bio to make her about 15 yrs old to reflect the time that had passed. I never received that updated bio as you left once more. :smile: Given it's now some 2 plus years on from then, that update really has to be done before you can RP. You can send it to WKDiv@dragonmount.com when you're ready. I believe she was going to be a Sage?


Anyway, real life has swallowed many of us but there are still a few people around.


And hey Andular, good to see you too stranger.


No problem, I can gladly resubmit. Just wanted to make sure there was people still about before I got all gunho about rejoining. 15 sounds good now, and yeah, a Sage. I may be poking you again, but I will get to work on that bio when I get home tonight.


Tay, I think I am actually going to need a little help on this. I don't want to just put that she has been playing the past two years, so I was thinking instead that she could have been allowed to play while helping with basic things such as collecting herbs, learning more about poultices and healing, learning female stuff and helping to cook and clean, but I need names! Is your wolfkin a sage or is there an NPC Sage that I can use, or what?


Yes hun, that's fine. We have an NSW Sage called Aislyn (usually played by either Kara or myself) as well as Andular's Sage character, Miryana. So you could refer to either of them, although it's more likely to have been Aislyn that your character would have dealt with in recent times.


*drags volke around while they wait* I am not losing you! We will revive the wolfkin together! Muhahahaha!


*is dragged around* Don't worry... sheesh...


Indeed! Sit and stay. Neither of you are going anywhere. Bios both received and I'll be replying to you tomorrow.


Indeed! Sit and stay. Neither of you are going anywhere. Bios both received and I'll be replying to you tomorrow.


K. look forward to hearing from you


Welcome back officially Christine. Bio is approved and posted. No need for a CC so you're re-added to the usergroup and can RP when you're ready. :smile:


Fabulous, thank you. In response to your email, I would love to get a thread going. Perhaps something like one day she comes back and is told her "proper training" must begin?


I am actually about to disappear on a baby LoA - aka I won't be around like I normally am but I will still be breathing. I have to go to Ohio to keep the MIL from spazzing about this whole volcano earthquake thing.


lol sounds joyous. Yeah that should be good. Is actually kind of what I was thinking too. Maybe have Aislyn tell her it's time to stop being a child and get on with her studies sort of thing. If that works for you, one of us could start a thread in the Stedding any time you like.


Hmm... I am thinking perhaps you? It could be her first Dreamwalkers class? Perhaps she comes in one night, muddy and laughing, and there is Aislyn like... alright we begin classes, time to start! I am going to need to poke someone else to give her a weapons class.


Okey dokey, we can do that. Will be an easy way to get your first class done. Weapons training... would usually be either Lorelai (Nyn's Ranger) or Owen unless you can persuade Andular to do it with his Ranger.


Ahahaha whichever. I really don't mind. Whoever has the time I guess. I don't even know what weapon she would use... *imagines for a second* Oh god, that will be funny...

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