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Elayne and Ter'Angreal


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Rand deliberately STILLED them. That's what all of the Aes Sedai refer to it as. I don't think the term "burned out" can be used to describe anything someone does to you, it only refers to what you do to yourself, either by carelessness, mistake or exhaustion.

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Also Egwene clearly thinks in one of her POVs (TGS or TOM) that now that Novices and Accepted KNOW that burning out can be healed, it is hard to keep them from "over doing their training". Not an exact quote but something like that.


Yeah, now imagine those novices faces when they find out it can't be healed after all.......


I for one won't stop thinking that it can (be healed), until someone of Team Jordan clearly states otherwise (no Aes Sedai word juggling) or the books prove me wrong.

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THE ISSUE is stilling vs burnt out


in one, the conduit is there, with a break in it the "wires" are complete and there still, except for the break


in stilling, the wires are "melted" and are gone,


the question is...


can the wires be relain, nynaeve can Trace the "wires" from a person to the source and see/sense the break. and can weld the break together


a burnt out person MAY or may not have the "wire" in place anymore, could nynaeve, in seeing/sensing- in a woman- the wiring of xperson Duplicate the wiring in a burnt out person, the conduit/pathways should be similar and the "channels" where the wiring should take place are there, the question is...could she reform/rewire the matrix that forms the pathway to the source?

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