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The Pink Loincloth Tavern

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The Redarms fine fellows all

Like to sleep and drink and brawl all day long

But heaven forbid you hit one with a log

You’ll be fighting with Jak O’ the Shadows!


The infantry brew full of spice and zest

Is for drinking, not spilling all over your vest

So drink up and we’ll just dump out the rest

And go sleep with Jack O’ the Shadows!


My official spotfine apology JotS Verses as assigned by Tayla CG of the Infantry. Now that thats done time for Volkes official Rookie redarm baptism.

*Grabs Volke and tosses him in the horses water trough outside*

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The Redarms fine fellows all

Like to sleep and drink and brawl all day long

But heaven forbid you hit one with a log

You’ll be fighting with Jak O’ the Shadows!


The infantry brew full of spice and zest

Is for drinking, not spilling all over your vest

So drink up and we’ll just dump out the rest

And go sleep with Jack O’ the Shadows!


My official spotfine apology JotS Verses as assigned by Tayla CG of the Infantry. Now that thats done time for Volkes official Rookie redarm baptism.

*Grabs Volke and tosses him in the horses water trough outside*


*gets up out of horses water trough* "really dude? was that necessary?"

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*gets up out of horses water trough* "really dude? was that necessary?"

*Hits him with a rubber chicken* Of course it was necessary I'm going for a record number of spotfines given/completed in one week. Now give me a spotfine before I have to use drastic measures. Like singing.

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Can you do so with minimal damage to my tavern? I don't like having to clean up after you guys.


Lol Don't worry Lessa. We'll handle this outside with no damage to the interior of the Tavern!

*grabs JR and drags him outside* "there, now Lessa can't get mad at us"

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*runs around the corner of the tavern push a wheelbarrow full of horse manure and runs into volke who is draging JR out the door. watches as the wheelbarrow turns over spilling manure all over volke*


ahhohh sorry about that you should watch where you are draging people next time.


*lloks at the mess and shrugs. goes into the tavern and sits at a table*


heya lessa how you going what's good to drink in here.

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*looks at volke and shakes his head* all over the floor....


"JR! Make yourself useless and mop up the floor!" :biggrin:


*pulls out her hanky and wipes the manure off her face* what was that for well someones in a bad mood


*stands next to Lessa* "let me know if anyone orders anything"

*walks into the Kitchen and starts doing prep work*

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