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Ask a Question, Give an Answer, Get an Answer

Kwom Masbag

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Alright...I suppose that you all deserve to know why it is that I'm doing this. Well, it's because I'm bored. ^_^ There's not enough action on here, so I decided to provide my own entertainment. *nods* This is also an opportunity for you to get to know me, and I, to know you, as I said in the topic description. ^_^


The rules are simple. You may ask me a question about practically anything. The catch? You must also provide an answer to the question that you asked me.


Example: Questioner: "How old are you? I'm _____ years old."


Me: "Oh, good. I'm _____ years old."


Simple. But I should hope that questions do get more interesting than that fare. ^_^


Enjoy, and ask away. ^_^


Yay, thank you! :D *looks at question* o.o;


Ehm...wow, this is embarrassing. I haven't actually seen Dr. Who. First person to ask a question, and I can't even give an actual answer. This folks, is an example of a Kwom fail. You shall see them a lot, methinks. >_>


I apologize for not being able to answer your question. *bows head* To make up for this, I shall either give you a freebie (you don't actually have to answer the question you asked) or...I don't actually know. Your choice. :) >_> I will be giving out freebies to anybody who asks a question that I can't...wait a second. You guys had better not abuse this privilege. *looks suspiciously about him*


Sorry again. :(


So, Kwom, what does Kwom Masbag mean? Wayward_Fool's a nickname I chose because I had far too many that I liked... and it drove me "wayward" and people who know me, know I'm quite a joker aka fool.


Sorry for taking so long to answer, but school... You know how that goes. :)


So, what does Kwom Masbag mean? Well, there's the short answer and a long answer. Short: Absolutely nothing. ;) Long: Several years ago, my best friend and I were playing with those fridge magnets; you know the ones where they're in the shape of letters, where little kids spell things? Well, my younger sister had previously spelled out "mom" on the fridge. So my friend and I were playing with it: "mow" "wom" at which point my friend put an upside down exclamation point in front of the 'w' and an I upside down at the end of 'm' and proudly proclaimed "Wom!" with a Spanish accent. At which point he added the K and said "Kwom!" with the same accent. Cut to a few days later, when said friend, another friend, and myself were playing Worms 3D. I was setting up my team, and I thought Hmm...why not use kwom?. And so I did. At which point my friends informed me that they had either found or made a word themselves. "Masbag." "You should add them together!" And the rest, as they say, is history. :)


Hullo Kwom!!!!!


Do you have pets? I had a goat once, now I have two horses. My brother has a dog, his name is Luno, and (okay, I know this is ueber-random) we nicknamed him Boandlkramer. Which is German, in the Bavarian dialect, a name for Death....meaning the "Bonecollector" *sniggers* ahem. *awkwardly changes the subject*


'Nuther question. I'm full of them.


What's your favourite movie? TV series?


I can't chose a movie, it's tied between alot of great ones inluding the LotR, PotC, Prince of Persia....etc....etc....

But TV show is Legend Of The Seeker. cos it's the only one I've seen...meep :D


*chuckles* Very eager. ^_^


Let's see...in the house that I live in with my mom, I've got a cockatiel (technically my little sister's bird, but the bird loves me more and I feed and water her) whose name is Tiki. :) At my dad's house, we have a dachshund (Jack), a chihuahua/poodle (Angel), and a three-legged border collie (Babe), as well as an...18 year old cockatiel named Smokie. :) At my grandparent's house we have a long-legged chihuahua (Bandit), a...Japanese chin, I believe (Boo), and a miniature poodle (Chaz). :)


Yes, those are definitely some of my favorite movies. ^_^ Avatar is another good one. And...well, because I just remembered it, like, yesterday, I used to love Space Jam. :) Mulan and Lion King are also among my favorites. :) And my favorite show...hands down 1. Scrubs. 2. Supernatural. :)


Thanks for your questions, Nyanna. :)


Avatar is ah-mazing. I'm in love.


let's see...


What brought you to DM?


For me, I was a member of Wotmania when it was a live, and then lost it, and then went to the signing for TGS, and needed to talk about WoT again. Thus, I used the back of the bookcover, and voila, DM.


*chuckles* Indeed. A lot of people don't like the whole environmental aspect of Avatar, but I personally loved it.


What led me to DM? Well...the forum that I generally go to (the one with but 10 active members) was slowing even more than usual. So, as I read the back cover of ToM, it slowly dawned on me that a WoT forum would be perfect for me. DM was the link in the list that most caught my attention, so voila, you now have an infinite increase in Kwom. ^_^


Avatar is ah-mazing. I'm in love.


You would say that! I couldn't get past Pocahontas in space. I'm like super brown that way, once an idea is in my head it stays there. LOL


Ummmm What Ajah in the books is your fave? Why?


Mine is Green because they are the Battle Ajah and how cool is that! LOL


Green's okay, but I've personally always liked the Blue. Maybe it's because that's where Siuan and Moiraine are from, maybe it's because they were the first Ajah I was truly introduced to (I read New Spring first). Mostly it's because they're the Ajah that busies itself with "justice" (that word means practically nothing to me at this point, though) and causes. :smile:


*prepares to be shot* I personally liked that third one the best. Now, before I get a lecture, I did grow up with the original trilogy, even getting a box set of said trilogy on VHS back when I was around...five, I think. I just like the third one for some reason... And my favorite character is either Qui Gon, or Obi Wan. It's a hard-fought battle between my Liam Neeson mancrush, and my Ewan McGregor mancrush. I think the Liam Neeson one is winning out, though. Heck, even Old Ben is awesome, though he's not Ewan, he's still part of that character. *nods* Gah...I can feel that hole growing around me. Come all who may, I shall fight you by myself! *raises fists*


Kwom a good friend of mine is a massive Star Wars fan, to the point I get confused listening to him. *laughs* Anyway his fave movie is the third one as well. So there are more fans of that one then it appears. To me all six of them are like a Soap Opera in space. LOL So I never really got into them. *laughs*


But anyway


What are your hobbies?


Oh, good, I thought that I was going to be reviled by people everywhere. *sighs in relief* And I suppose that must be why those are called "Space Operas". *chuckles* I always wondered about that...


And my hobbies include...reading--of course--, writing, playing video games (not so much of late, though), drawing (more like doodling, but still), and metaphysics. ^_^ You didn't tell me yours, though. ;)


Kwom, i will be the person to say that i absolutly hated episode 3. it attempted to tie too many loose ends together at once. the book, however was excellent and i recommend reading it if you get the chance.


So my question: if you could choose to live in any time period in history what would it be? Mine would be the middle ages. i know i would be a soldier for some kings army, but i think war then was fought with more honor. it was man to man, my skill against yours, not im gonna hide and shoot you when you least expect.


Interesting...that's definitely the time period that I would pick as well. :smile: The reason that you listed is one of the reasons that I like the time period. There's also the fact that it was a much simpler time; you didn't have to worry about many of the same problems that face us today. Then again, there's quite a bit of problems that they dealt with back then which we no longer have to. I also like the adventure of it; a lot more of the world was undiscovered back then. In the modern day and age...well, there's always space, but what are the chances that we can actually explore anything out there? Not to mention that they wouldn't allow a civilian such as myself up there, to tell the truth. I just really like the medieval times. *nods* I always love it when the Renaissance Festival rolls around. :happy:


OMG i love ren fest!! my dad was in the band at the one in kansas city and i learned alot about swordplay and tactics as a kid. its pretty interesting stuff if you ever get the chance to check some of it out.


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