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Toy and Minion

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if i had peanut butter i'd do sesame noodles cause that doesn't make any mess at all.


but i don't.


and i can't get pizza. well, i could, but i'd have to leave the house and i'd have a whole pizza to deal with and i can't eat a whole pizza before it dies so that's a waste.


so. yogurt. or salad. maybe both. we'll see how the night goes.

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I LOVE traveling. I don't need to do it often, and I like being able to come home and recover in the familiar for a time, but I do definitely get itchy feet sometimes. XD


The only reason I was able to handle not going on a trip to D*Con this year was that I'd moved out of the house and lived in another state for 4 months, during which time I lived in 4 different houses. XD That counted as travel for me, I guess. XD


I prefer bus travel to air travel, personally, but to go overseas I'm fine with flying. XD

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Yeah, if I had pets to worry about, I'd have a harder time traveling. Fortunately I'm pretty much free and unattached at this point in my life, so nothing to worry about--just enjoying the experience.


I can understand that about feeling unsafe--I definitely know how it feels to feel safe at home. The travel thing is really something that's become a love for me just in the past couple of years. I've traveled before with the family, for various reasons, so I was able to feel safe and enjoy the excitement of new places, but it's always a relief to be home again, for all the fun I have when traveling. Don't have to worry about anything there. Don't have to worry about things going wrong and ending up lost, or in a bad situation, or not having fun, or injured....


People want a lot of what they can't have...the grass is usually greener on the other side, especially when people are younger. XD

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i do want what i cannot have. i just try not to.


i actually really really want pizza right now. thinking of ways to approximate it with what i have in the pantry without getting into making yeast dough, cause... sersly don't want to.


but i know myself well enough to know i'll get past it soon enough.


the grass stays greener, path not taken and all that. but the complaisance takes a firmer hold.

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Definitely easy just to kind of sit there and think "I wish..." and not actually do anything about it. XD


Haha, food is a major thing for me--I often want meals that I am unwilling to go to the trouble of making. I'm kind of lazy, actually.

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Ahhh...it's very scary, I can agree with that.


I was very excited to go to D*Con by myself, but I was also really nervous about the traveling part. I was afraid of missing my connecting bus, or something, or getting lost and not being able to find the hotel I was looking for...


And actually, until I grew a backbone and learned to ask questions, it wasn't very fun. But I'm not afraid of asking for help, anymore, and I try and plan things out before I go on trips, too, so it's less to worry about when I'm actually on it.

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i guess nothing inside me drives me to want to go anywhere now. i'd like to be at the beach, but no way to deal with it, 7 hours away, to somewhere crowded. i don't get unscared when there are a lot of people around.


if i ever retired, i could move one time and one time only to a beach without alot of people, and i could stay there alone fine and dandy. the great lord willing.

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