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Toy and Minion

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Ek het al baie goed verloor en dit nooit ooit weer gevind nie

Ek het al baie vir my ma gese ek is nie meer ‘n kind nie

Die lewe is te hard en ek verstaan nie meer die punt nie

Ek staan langs groot hoop hout maar ek het nie meer ‘n flint nie



I I have already lost many things and never found them again

I have already told my mother that I'm no longer a child

Life is too hard and I don't understand the point anymore

I stand next to a big heap of wood but I don't have a flint anymore

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Ek kry koud op my eie, ek soek eintlik net ‘n klein bietjie warmte

Almal is ryk van die liefde en ek’s al weer die armste

Sommige dae voel ek of ek doodgaan van die hongerte

Daars ‘n lee kol in my maag waar ek wegkruip in die donkerte


I get cold on my own, I'm really looking for just a little bit of warmth

Everyone is rich in love, and I'm the poorest again

Some days I feel like I can die from the hunger

There's an empty hole in my stomach where I hide away from the darkness

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Ek’s gebreek van binne soos al my speelgoed van toe ek klein was

As ek vandag wegstap sal al my goed pas in ‘n klein tas

Ek soek net ‘n klein tydjie sodat ek die as van my kan afwas

Maar die soldate op die muur bombardeer my met traangas


I'm broken from inside like all my toys from when I was small

If I walked away today all my things would fit in a small bag

I am looking for just a small time to wash the ash away from me

but the soldiers on the wall bombard me with teargas

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Ek le onder ‘n lappieskombers en probeer nog blokkies aanlas

Maar daar’s ‘n kwaai oom langs my bed en hy sê vir my staan vas

So ek trek die kombers oor my kop en le oop voete

En stap die lang pad in my pa se groot skoene


I lie under a quilt and try to put everything together

but there's an angry man next to my bed an he tells me: "Stand still"

So I pull the blanket over my head and lie feet open

an walk the long path on my father's big shoes

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As ons staan op einde van die langpad langs die spoor

Daars net donkerte daarvoor, ek staan en bewe

Dit raak swarter en daar’s net stilte wat ek hoor

Hou my hand styf vas lanks jou sy

Is jy nog lief vir my?

sal jy my by die hemelpoorte kry?


A we stand at the end of the long path alongside the tracks

there's only darkness in front, I stand and shiver

It gets darker and there's only silence that I can hear

Hold my hand tight next to your side

Do you still love me?

Will you find me as heaven's gates?

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Ons hou vas aan mekaar maar niemand gaan ooit regtig joune wees nie

Ons skryf briewe vir mekaar wat ons nooit regtig lees nie

Want daar’s altyd een verloorder in russian roulette

Ek moet uitgaan ek moet werk maar ek sit vas in die bed


We hold each other but no one will really ever be yours

We write letters to each other that we never really read

Becuase there's always one loser in russian roulette

I have to go out, I must work, but I'm sitting stuck in bed

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Ek stap rond en soek sitplek in leë gebouens

Ek probeer myself vind in drank en leë verhoudings

Ek sit en skryf gedigte maar word my gedigte digkuns

En ek skree volle bors in die aand met my kop in die kussing


I walk around and look for a sitting place in empty buildings

I try to find myself in srunken empty relationships

I sit here and write poetry but does my poetry become poetic-art

And I scream full-breasted in the night, with my head in the pillow

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Big game tonight, you watching it Smiley?


parts of it at least, did denmark keep their lead?


Yup, through a series of miracles


I checked out the score, I'm suspecting Netherlands did a Bayern?


Pretty much, it was unreal. Had two stonewall penalties turned down too

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Ek le vir ure in die bad met my kop onder die water

Ek slaap elke oggend laat want die wereld kan wag tot later

Ek moet wag nie aanbeweeg onslae raak van my gevoelens

Hoe ek stap ek raak meegevoer met aksies sonder bybedoelings


I lie for hours in the bath with my head under the water

I sleep late every morning because the world can wait till later

I must wait not move on disregarding my emotions

How I must walk and become swept away by pure actions

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Ek sit alleen op een punt van die wipplank

Ek bid al weer vir een sitvlak, maar ek sit lank

En wag vir iemand om op te spring aan die eenkant

Maar die vingers van my gevoelens krap diep in my verstand


I sit alone on one side of the see-saw

and pray again for one a seat, but I sit long

and wait for someone to jump on the other side

but the fingers of my feelings scratch deep in my mind

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As ons staan op einde van die langpad langs die spoor

Daars net donkerte daarvoor, ek staan en bewe

Dit raak swarter en daar’s net stilte wat ek hoor

Hou my hand styf vas lanks jou sy

Is jy nog lief vir my?

sal jy my by die hemelpoorte kry?


A we stand at the end of the long path alongside the tracks

there's only darkness in front, I stand and shiver

It gets darker and there's only silence that I can hear

Hold my hand tight next to your side

Do you still love me?

Will you find me as heaven's gates?

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Ek het al ver gewen en baie ver verloor

Ek het al baie gevoel of die lewe my versmoor

(Sal jy my by die hemelpoorte kry)

Ekt al baie gesit op die bokant van ‘n berg

Ekt al baie gesit in die voorkant van die kerk


I have already won much and lost much

I have already smothered the emotions of my life

(Will you get me at heaven's gates)

I have already often sat on the top of a mountain

I have already often sat at the front of the church

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Vat my terug na die langkloof en my ouma se plaas

Ek wil saam met my suster die skape in die kraal injaag

Ek wil sit op my oupa se skoot en stories hoor van die verlede

Ek wil rondhardloop in die gras tot ek lam word in die knieë


Take me back to the long ravine and my grandmother's farm

I want to chase the sheep into the pens with my sister

I want to sit on my grandfather's lap and hear stories of the past

I want to run around in the grass till I lose the feeling in my knees

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Ons staan en luister hoe die Here en die duiwel oor ons stry

Die hartseer is verby

Op die ou-eind is al wat ek wil hoor rol oor jou tong

Jy wil by my bly


Sal jy my by die hemelpoorte kry?


We stand and listen how Jesus and the devil fight over us

The heartache is over

At the end, all that I want to hear roll over your tongue

You will stay by me


Will you find me at heaven's gates?

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