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Related to that but in a different vein, have you ever felt that way about cliches? I do. Some cliches ARE overused should be retired, but I actually like a lot of them, and use them when appropriate. I don't like this "anti-cliche" attitude that is so prevalent in this day and age. Sure, fun new phrases are exciting, but more often than not, profanity is just used to substitute. That's not much more thoughtful than cliches.

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I agree; profanity is less than creative, it's downright brainless. You don't have to THINK to cuss. It's much harder and more accurate to actually say what you're feeling or thinking, and the fact that people don't do that much anymore probably has something to do with the rising generation's increasing lack of imagination.

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i have to disagree here, though i cannot demonstrate. profanity can be quite creative, and packs a visceral punch that is often lacking in the unprofane varieties of speech.


also, really kind of object to the concept that words are bad, or, in fact, profane. they're words. wonderful, lovely words. the best and most lasting creation of man. and they can be combined and recombined and deconstructed and twisted and twirled and spun around and played with in infinite complexity and perplexity and made into things of beauty or dread, whether they're "dirty" or "clean."


erm, sorry.


i like words. all of them.

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yes, i've adjusted my speech to the locally acceptable style since moving to the hinterlands. but the fact that the people use different words than the ones i grew up with, doesn't make them better, or nicer, or more godly people. they just speak differently. and they'll shoot you quicker than anyone in my old neighborhood would cuss you out, and with less cause.


not that using naughty words even usually amounts to cussing someone out, or is meant as any kind of attack most of the time. usually just punctuation marks, or figures of speech, or...


um, anyway, you talk any way you like, don't make me no nevermind.

Edited by cindy
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It doesn't really have to be an insult to be profane... XD I mean, I can understand when you're angry/frustrated and you're fumbling for something that fits your emotion at that second.... I still think there are better ways of expressing yourself, because profanity is just so...crass.... But when it's a figure of speech or punctuation, as you say, that's when it becomes unimaginative.


Like, when I say, "OW, I just hit my toe on the frickin' chair!" My mom teases me and says, "Not just any chair, a FRICKING chair?" Well, that emphasized my irritation, but it was hardly accurate. What exactly IS a frickin chair? More accurate would have been "Ow, I just hit my toe on the chair, and that pisses me off." Which is still slightly crass, but much less so than profane language.


I dunno.... I just think that there are plenty of other adjectives that fit better in the places of profanity in most day-to-day usage (it's become as prevalent as the word "like" used incorrectly).


But I agree, it's a matter of opinion; sure, I definitely think that if someone is uncomfortable with profanity, it's polite to refrain from using it around them, but if that's how you want to talk on your own time, with other people who don't mind, great for you. (not aimed at you personally, just my general opinion XD)

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sigh. i wsh you could have heard my gramma swear. you're missing some perfectly lovely parts of language by segregating words and combinations of letters. and yes, if that's the only way you've heard or used "profanity," i can see why you would think it's crass and unimaginative... i would so love to be able to.... but can't.


to me it's all about the mind control, and i don't like it. i would refer you to a wonderful little show penn and teller used to do, but i can't type the name here.


all i have to say, and it's all i'm gonna say, cause, well, pointless, but: do not fear words. they are your friends.


that is all.

Edited by cindy
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Just so you understand, it's a lifestyle choice, not mind control or lack of experience. I've heard it all, believe me. I was in high school once. I experimented with profanity myself. I still have a problem with expletives when I injure myself or am extremely angry or am frustrated about something. I bite my tongue most of the time, though I still think those words at times, but I don't want to. Not "I'm afraid to," "I don't WANT to." I didn't feel any better about myself or my vocabulary when it included those crude words. The only actual "really bad" swear word that I think has any actual use is the f-bomb, because it describes an act with a certain attitude attached to it. And I hope I never have reason to actually use it that way. The rest of them, either don't actually serve a worthwhile purpose, or else are misused and have been giving meanings that are far gone from the original. I don't like how those words control my mind, even now when I've tried to get rid of them for the most part. Shouldn't I be able to think of other words in place of those, if I want to? Well, when I actually used profanity, I couldn't. They took over my vocabulary and simplified my thought processes so that it's an EXERCISE to say anything else other than those words, in those situations. Talk about mind control, in my experience, that counts.


If you think about it, too, profanity is so rampant these days, it's not a dying breed of language. I'm shocked at how young they start these days. When I was a kid, people still swore, but if we did it around the grownups, we got in trouble. Now, the only place they really can get in trouble for that is at school, unless they have parents who happen not to want their kids to swear.


Some people are afraid of words, I'll give you that. But it would be wrong to assume that just because someone doesn't like profanity, they must be either close-minded, sadly lacking in experience, or else kind of mindless.

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ya, see, it's not a lifestyle choice, and words are not bombs, and that's what i mean by mind control, because the fact that people now see words and styles of speech as lifestyle choices, like, say, criminal behaviors and such, and bombs and other sorts of physical offenses is, indeed, part of a mind control game that i noticed starting in 1980, though undoubtedly has deeper roots than that.


but... really, agreeing to disagree, i don't want to convince you to use naughty words, and i culdn't anyway, because...


'k, skip it.


so how about that local sports team, eh?


and ya, BT nursing home is what i'm expecting. but more like animal house.

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I'm 20, my profile's accurate. I dunno, I just think a LOT has changed since I was prepubescent. That's why I use that phrase. The rising generation has a lot of things I didn't, but is missing a lot of stuff I had, too.


And sure, I can agree to disagree. It's obviously something we're equally convinced on, and there's not much we can do to change each other's minds.


*offers a paw to shake*

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*happily takes the paw, and offers some nuts; lol, i got lots*


and a head's up to fasten the seatbelt, cause, man, do things change faster and faster as you go ahead... my head spins. my childhood memories are sepia toned, just like the old pix. it's like i lived a million years ago already. sigh.

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