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That was a game Wombat ran a few months ago. Sansa was my character... killeded dead by Stannis *spits forcefully in Ishy's general direction* so I made my sig glare vengefully with "the North remembers" as the tag line.


'Twas quite a fun game. Since I'm a huge ASoIaF fan in general, even more fun.

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LOL on the sig. Sounds like a fun game, wish I was there... I've been out for a few months due to school.


I'm in the middle of reading the series right now. It's amazing. I made mistake when I was buying it though, and I got books 1, 2, and 4. :dry: It's very frustrating to have the 4th book just sitting there, and all of the copies of aSoS are taken out of the libraries.

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LOL on the sig. Sounds like a fun game, wish I was there... I've been out for a few months due to school.


I'm in the middle of reading the series right now. It's amazing. I made mistake when I was buying it though, and I got books 1, 2, and 4. :dry: It's very frustrating to have the 4th book just sitting there, and all of the copies of aSoS are taken out of the libraries.


OMG. Book 3 is actually the best of them. You must find.

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It's pretty much the defining characteristic of the series, lol... but sometimes bad things happen to people who deserve it, too.


And sometimes when you think someone is a bad guy, GRRM gets you inside their head and makes you start to like them. It's amazing and frustrating and wonderful.


Very different from WoT, of course. But I love them both.

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I know. I really wish that he was a Stark. I still hope he heals up from his head wound though(pleez no spoilers!).


Arya is pretty awseome as well. And Daenerys; her storyline is pretty epic. It has the most magic of all the plotlines, and it's an interesting break from straight-up medieval stuff.


Have you seen the TV series?

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Season 1 was VERY faithful to the books for the most part, some condensation and cutting of character and storyline... Everything that was changed in Season 1 was pretty much for the purpose of adapting to the screen better. Season 2 so far has some divergence from the books, and more things out of sequence or entirely left out... but mostly faithful to the spirit of the story. There are some things that may domino into bigger changes in the future, but most changes should streamline back into the book's story well enough.


I'm quite enjoying the TV version, even with the changes. Most of them I see the usefulness of, and the ones that I don't, i can still enjoy as good television.

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Season 1 was self contained book 1, yes. Ned's demise fell in episode 9.


Very much worth watching season 1, it was quite well done.


Season 2 contains events that are pulled from books 2 and 3, and somewhat condensed or changed. My understanding is the rest of the seasons will be much the same, although seasons 3 and 4 will probably be mostly book 3, with perhaps some of the book 2 things that have been delayed, and a smattering of book 4/5 events since most of book 5 occurs concurrently with book 4.

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