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Chi no Bara

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Well hello there.

I'm just a 14 year old brit that reads very little but likes these books

Turns out that Im behind the times abit seeing as Im only on book 6 (so try not to give me spoilers)

I spose it means I can't really look at many places on here without ruining it for myself; but of well.

I guess thats all there is. My names Charlie and the username is Rose of Blood in japanese.

Abit criptic I know but I couldn't bother to think up anything better; well I know it now, so its easier.

Hope to be a good person on the forums without getting in the way too much



Hey there Chi!


I'm sure you won't get in the way, hon *grins and snugglebites*


If you want to avoid spoilers, why not head on over to the Social boards? There's lots of things to do there other than discuss the books. If you'd like to discuss those books you have read, there's the Structured Wheel of Time discussion board.


Wells, looking in the threads about charecters it doesn't seem safe to look at anything thats about the books :sad:

Aaaa well the thing that I found I had my suspitions about anyways.

I'll try to pitch in in the other parts of the forum, untill I get abit further


I joined back in Feb and I didn't dare post or even read cause I'm terrible when it comes to spoilers. For example, a month before ToM came out I went and read the first chapter that they had out. I endedd up kicking myself for that*shakes head*


Anywho I'm Lessa and welcome to DM!!!


I'm from the Warders Guild in the White Tower and you should really check it out. I've made alot of good friends over there and it doesn't matter who you are. Don't forget you can also be part of more than one org So come stop by the White Tower and the Warders Guild because they will be happy to meet you :biggrin:


There won't be that many spoilers over there and you can always say please don't say anything about what happens after(incert book title)


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