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tEotW repeated stuff


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Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but I really am enjoying reading through tEotW for the first time, but there's a lot of stuff repeated, scenes in entirety word for word. Once example is in chapter 17 (Watchers and Hunters) the following paragraph is repeated verbatim only one paragraph apart:


"Five white-cloaked men walked into the light from the guardhouse door. Their cowls were drawn up to hide their faces, but each man rested his hand on ("his hand on" is also repeated the second time) his sword, and the golden suns on their left breasts were a plain announcement of who they were. Mat muttered under his breath. The Watchmen stopped their cranking and exchanged uneasy looks. "


What's going on here? Seems like rather large flaws.


Which edition is your book? That sounds like a printing error, maybe. I don't see it in mine.


Quite right. It's in the Kindle edition. I also have an old TOR fantasy paperback I just checked against, and it looks like it's only in the Kindle edition... I wonder what else is messed up in there.


There's also a repeated scene, but that was addressed in another forum topic I found (a flashback, apparently).


Hmm... tEotW kindle edition has similar problems to the new ToM hardback.


I wonder, is Tor going digital and having difficulty mashing an editorial process in there? Could be that they're gearing for digital distribution without getting their quality standards right.


Horse, stand aside and let cart through, thanks.


There is a printed edition with the same repeat, one at the end of a page, the other at the beginning of the next page. It was in my very first version of the Eye of the World (I've since replaced it twice. It's long since been corrected in the printed form).


The flashback I take should be Chapters 31 through 34.

Other than the beginning portion of that, I think there should be no other repeats.


Repeated text can at times happen.

One possible cause:: the typist/writer not keeping track of where they are at; generally when taking breaks.


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