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Hi all


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While I am new to Dragonmount, I have been reading the series since 1991. After I read Leigh Butler's original WoTFAQ that she had put out back in the early part of this millennium, I discovered how much I had not known about many of the mysteries raised in the books simply because I did not have the information and clues given by RJ (and now Brandon) at book signings and at conventions. Lacking Internet access at the time I was unable to follow the community of fans and the discussions. I have had internet for a few years now, but it wasn't until ToM came out that I really started to get interested in adding my input instead of just scanning through posts. Now after lurking through DM for a few weeks, I decided to become legit and join. Thank you all for making all WoT fans welcome and especially the Admins and Mods that dedicate so much of their time and energy to incite thoughtful discussion of these wonderful books.


Hello and welcome to DM. I'm Lessa and I'm part of many of the social forums but I'm here to tell you about one specifically.


I'm from the Warders Guild in the White Tower and you should really check it out. I've made alot of good friends over there and it doesn't matter who you are. Don't forget you can also be part of more than one org So come stop by the White Tower and the Warders Guild because they will be happy to meet you. :biggrin: We're always looking for those who want to be Warders or Aes Sedai, so stop on by :biggrin:


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