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Children of the Light - Help? >.>


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Hey people! I'm sorry to disturb your fine morning/noon/afternoon/evening... but I was wondering if perhaps you could lend me a hand with your vast information about WoT. I tried interrogating Kivam but he was resisting me and he sent me here. He said to specifically seek out Luckers because apparently he's so much of a WoT savvy that it borderlines with really scary shit >.>


Anyhow! I'm sort of in charge of the Children of the Light (CotL) RP group here on DM. And when I say sort of, I mean that I am. lol And I've been doing some research about them because I'd like to have a nice sum up about them in general as a group, about the three factions within it, about ranks, insignia, Council of anointed + The Dome of truth and so on.


Now, as you might know (or not), the structures we have in the different RP groups on DM don't necessarily mirror stuff on WoT. However, I think I've managed to maintain the Children of the Light more or less attuned to the books in most aspects.


Basically, I have some questions to ask you guys. They're only few (but I might have more along the way)... and they might be really stupid LOL I have a terrible memory... I only read WoT once (though I'm in the middle of a reread!)... and I know there are resources online which I've looked into... but those all have been of the Wiki nature when I can't really be sure if what's written there is reliable or not. So I hoped you wouldn't mind pushing me (forcefully if needed *g*) in the right direction. :D



disclaimer: I haven't read TGS or ToM. You guys can mention here stuff about TGS, but ToM is still a no no topic here. I don't mind spoilers though, especially if it's information of the CotL that I might find useful... so if you want to comment about something from TGS, go ahead. If it's ToM related, please email me at: Nynaeve.n10@gmail.com, since I would hate for this topic to get locked/moved cause of it. Thankee! :)





1. Is there any indication on WoT on how many Lord Captains there are? I found somewhere that the Council of Anointed is compiled of approximately twelve of the most favored Lord Captains + The Lord Captain Commander. This would mean there are more than twelve, but I was wondering if there's an actual limit of how many of them there are.


2. The Council of Anointed meets at the Dome of truth. I found this vague description claiming that the Dome of truth is a building in Amador. I just wanted to verify with you that this building is INDEED within the fortress LOL >.>


3. What would you say the responsibility of the Council of anointed is?

I am assuming (and correct me if I'm wrong) that their job is to pick the Captain Commander and the High Inquisitor, when needed? Or is the High Inquisitor choosing process is done internally by the Hand? I would also assume that they're the ones who give trials to Darkfriend? This is actually where I get a bit fuzzy. Say a Darkfriend is arrested by a child of the light... and SAY this Darkfriend is actually taken to the Fortress of Light (and isn't executed along the way).... what's the process that goes on then? Is he taken to the Questioners to extract information and then trialed by the Council or is the Council his/her first stop and then he/she is hauled to the questioners?


4. I saw a comment in my reread about questioners not liking it when people call them questioners. So, erm... how do they LIKE being called? xD


5. It is said that the Lord Captain Commander wears a tabard with a big sunburst on it. Does the High Inquisitor have some sort of symbol or sigil that distinguishes him from a common questioner?





Those are all my questions for now :) I'd love some help.




Also, the CotL RP Group has its own rank system. It's mostly like WoT, but I'm sure it's not EXACTLY alike. Either way, I decided to appoint insignia to all the ranks, from what I noted from the books + some imagination. I'll paste it here, so if you'd like you can comment about it. I realize it's not identical to what WoT lists, but it's as close as I could manage lol


First Tier (inexperienced)


2nd Squadman - One silver lightning bolt under sunburst.

Squadman - Two silver lightning bolts under sunburst.


Second Tier (soldiers)

2nd Bannerman - Three silver lightning bolts under sunburst.

Bannerman - One golden star under sunburst.

Hundredman - Two golden stars under sunburst.


Third Tier (officers)

2nd lieutenant - Three golden stars under sunburst.

1st Lieutenant - One golden knot.

Captain - Two golden knots.


Fourth Tier (elite)

Lord Captain - Three golden knots.

Lord Captain Commander - White tabard with a big sunburst in the middle.

Head Inquisitor - ???

Spymaster - Would have no insignia.



P.s: If you'd like to contribute in any way, shape or form to gathering up info about the CotL, feel free to email me at Nynaeve.n10@gmail.com You know what they say, the desperate would turn down no one ;)



Thanks for anyone who bothered reading this long long looooooong post, and especially those that bothered replying *laughs*









have you tried looking at the WoT FAQ? or at the guide? they've got alot of good stuff in them, i'll dig out my copy of the guide and do some hunting for you tonight if i've got time!


happy hunting! your right though, this does need luckers' attention XD


Isn't there a red staff on the Inquisitors? I seem to remember it from Bors PoV in the Prologue of TGH.


The Dome of Truth is indeed a building in Amador, in the center of the Fortress of Light. Isn't Asunawa leading Morgase to Valda through the Dome when she is in Amadicia? (When they hang the two person wanting to save her). The Questioners don't like being called so. Their official name is Hand of the Light. Their primarily role is to extract "truth" from persons that are considered guilty and from whom they want proof.


For the rest, I don't know.


have you tried looking at the WoT FAQ? or at the guide? they've got alot of good stuff in them, i'll dig out my copy of the guide and do some hunting for you tonight if i've got time!


happy hunting! your right though, this does need luckers' attention XD


*laughs* Yeah... but sadly no Luckers >.> I was told posting here would be like a Luckers signal up in the sky :D

Anyways, if you manage to dig something up I'll be eternally grateful. And you might be getting a rather cheeky xmas card your way ;) Oh and no, I actually didn't look into the FAQ, I probably should... good tip!



Isn't there a red staff on the Inquisitors? I seem to remember it from Bors PoV in the Prologue of TGH.


The Dome of Truth is indeed a building in Amador, in the center of the Fortress of Light. Isn't Asunawa leading Morgase to Valda through the Dome when she is in Amadicia? (When they hang the two person wanting to save her). The Questioners don't like being called so. Their official name is Hand of the Light. Their primarily role is to extract "truth" from persons that are considered guilty and from whom they want proof.


For the rest, I don't know.


I am actually on TGH on my reread and I checked it out and it says he has a shepherd's crook behind the sunburst... not a red staff. Just in case you wanted to know.


As for Asunawa leading Morgase through the Dome, I guess I'll find out in my reread lol Unfortunately, as previously stated, my memory is not that great and it doesn't help that the last time I read the first few books was years and years ago.


Thanks for the dome clarification! Much appreciated!!! ^_^








The High Inquisitor just has the shepard's crook on his tabard, no sunburst. The HI is also on the Council of the Anointed and only the Lord Captain Commander has authority over him.


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