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Guest AdamTurley

I was thinking the same thing. A fake hand made of onyx

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What people beleive about Onyx:

* Protection: A good stone for Entrepreneurs and Inventors, to repel negative energy surrounding other peoples opinions or ideas.

* Detachment: Use Onyx for self-protection or to keep away or end unhealthy or bothersome emotional entanglements.

* Absorbs and flattens emotional intensity. Helps to smooth out the "Roller Coaster Ride" of emotions.

* Change: Helps release old beliefs and patterns that no longer serve us.

* Visions, and guidance through meditation and dreams.


This gemstone eliminates negative thinking, it is also believed to sharpen the wits of the wearer. Onyx is said to bring spiritual inspiration. It is a great assistance in holding emotions and passions under control. Black Onyx is used to help one change habits


I briefly mentioned this theory in the 'about Rand' section, but it seems more suited here:


What if the flaw in Callandor is its ability to use the TP as well as OP. We know that power was required to touch the DO to bind him last time, but the counterattack caused the taint. Could Rand, with his access to the TP use Callandor to use saidin, saidar and the TP together to touch the TP to the DO, buffered by saidin and saidar, thus sealing him away for good. Any counterattack this time round would only taint the TP, and who cares if that gets tainted.


This could then cover the "three become one" prophesy.

  On 11/21/2010 at 6:35 PM, WhiskyJack said:

Women are needed to ensure that a guy is not weaving the weaves. They have no other use.


lol that sounds rather sexist but I think it's 100% correct.


It's to ensure that no male channellers go pull another Hundred Companions stunt and go mad again, causing another Time of Madness.


  On 11/21/2010 at 6:56 PM, WhiskyJack said:

1)Buffer is placed on Angreal/Sa'angreal to ensure that the person wielding it doesn't turn into crispy chicken.

2)You don't draw one power through items of power. You draw power through your body. Consider X to be amount of power you can channel. Now an angreal puts an extra Y to it (X+Y). This is maximum amount of power you can draw using that particular angreal. Drawing more will result in burnout or death. Buffer stops you from crossing X+Y limit.

3) Angreal doesn't store power. It only works as long as you are channeling.

4) DO is source of TP but not TP itself. You cannot suck up DO.

5) OP is not for creator as TP is for DO.


1. Yup. Beautiful imagery lol

2. Both are done.

Floating in emptiness, he fixed the lightning-laced triangle before him and reached through the angreal, drew deeply at the raging torrent of saidin.

tSR, Out of the Stone, pg. 365

3. I realize my water bottle example wasn't the best, but that wasn't what I was saying. At all. It was a visual aid. As your X+Y.

4. Debatable: TP is stated to come directly from the DO. This to me suggests a link/bond between TP and the DO.

5. Debatable: OP is drawn from the TS (much like the TP<-DO) which is the driving force turning the WoT, which in our world we'd considered that to be God (Creator).


Theologically, the DO and Creator are a dichotomy, the distinction being that one creates, the other destroys. Like the symbol for the ancient Aes Sedai, they are two separate pieces, two separate entities, with no communication tween them, divide by a sinuous line (one's absent and the other wants to destroy everything). As opposed to the yin-yang symbol which represents a balance between the two (dualism).


I've seen theories on other sites suggesting they're similar to the game Oblivion concept of Sheogorath/Jyggalag. Same being, but two separate personalities. This could be true, and could explain why the Creator seems to be absent while the DO is at play.


I don't think it's like that though.


And wow did I go off topic. I totally had a point going for this spiel on theology, but it got lost in my thoughts. Maybe next time lol

  On 11/25/2010 at 4:19 PM, JamieK said:

I briefly mentioned this theory in the 'about Rand' section, but it seems more suited here:


What if the flaw in Callandor is its ability to use the TP as well as OP. We know that power was required to touch the DO to bind him last time, but the counterattack caused the taint. Could Rand, with his access to the TP use Callandor to use saidin, saidar and the TP together to touch the TP to the DO, buffered by saidin and saidar, thus sealing him away for good. Any counterattack this time round would only taint the TP, and who cares if that gets tainted.


This could then cover the "three become one" prophesy.


Editing my post to include yours because I clearly wasn't reading when I posted almost the same thing.


Before Rand 2.0 LTT and Rand had a dialogue about sealing the Bore:


Lews Therin! Rand snapped in his mind. What do we do? How did you seal the Bore last time?


It didn't work, Lews Therin whispered. We used saidin, but we touched it to the Dark One. It was the only way! Something has to touch him, something to close the gap, but he was able to taint it. The seal was weak!


Yes, but what do we do differently? Rand thought.


Lews Therin was still under the impresion that something has to touch the Dark One. Unless he's changed his mind, it's likely Rand is still heading down that line of thought. Herid Fel was fairly certain that the Dragon couldn't seal away the Dark One as well as the Creator. However, if Calandor is capable of serving as a Sa'angreal for the True Power as well as Saidin then it could be that it will somehow be touched to the Dark One instead of using Saidin as before. Any backlash from the Dark One would only effect those channeling the True Power - which might skip over Rand onto Moridin since the only way Rand is capable of using it is through that connection.


This would also explain how Mierin found the 'new unified source' that ended up freeing the Dark One. The Dark One is trapped by his own power so the prison can be detected from the outside.


Just one possibility, though.

  On 11/26/2010 at 5:56 PM, Ashaman Eric said:
  On 11/25/2010 at 4:19 PM, JamieK said:

I briefly mentioned this theory in the 'about Rand' section, but it seems more suited here:


What if the flaw in Callandor is its ability to use the TP as well as OP. We know that power was required to touch the DO to bind him last time, but the counterattack caused the taint. Could Rand, with his access to the TP use Callandor to use saidin, saidar and the TP together to touch the TP to the DO, buffered by saidin and saidar, thus sealing him away for good. Any counterattack this time round would only taint the TP, and who cares if that gets tainted.


This could then cover the "three become one" prophesy.


Editing my post to include yours because I clearly wasn't reading when I posted almost the same thing.


Before Rand 2.0 LTT and Rand had a dialogue about sealing the Bore:


Lews Therin! Rand snapped in his mind. What do we do? How did you seal the Bore last time?


It didn't work, Lews Therin whispered. We used saidin, but we touched it to the Dark One. It was the only way! Something has to touch him, something to close the gap, but he was able to taint it. The seal was weak!


Yes, but what do we do differently? Rand thought.


Lews Therin was still under the impresion that something has to touch the Dark One. Unless he's changed his mind, it's likely Rand is still heading down that line of thought. Herid Fel was fairly certain that the Dragon couldn't seal away the Dark One as well as the Creator. However, if Calandor is capable of serving as a Sa'angreal for the True Power as well as Saidin then it could be that it will somehow be touched to the Dark One instead of using Saidin as before. Any backlash from the Dark One would only effect those channeling the True Power - which might skip over Rand onto Moridin since the only way Rand is capable of using it is through that connection.


This would also explain how Mierin found the 'new unified source' that ended up freeing the Dark One. The Dark One is trapped by his own power so the prison can be detected from the outside.


Just one possibility, though.


1)What if the flaw in Callandor is its ability amplify to use the TP as well as OP.

Just for nitpicking lol.


I could see this happening. But we don't know if you CAN touched saidin/saidar at the same time as TP. I don't believe the DO would 'taint' his own power. But it might explain why he's so bent on destroying the world: keeps having his power turned against him, lol. :baalzamon:


Wow you totally brought me back to my theology thing. By my reckoning of Callandor prophecy, it holds the 'Light' (whatever that is) which could substitute/be combined with/for TP. THUS creating the actual image of yin-yang we see today. Turning dichotomy into dualism. :aessedai:


Valid point: If the DO's Prison could be sensed, then this would suggest that the Seal is NEVER perfect and is ALWAYS in the same place. Never perfect because, how else would someone know there might be a power there to get at. Always there because, people keep sealing him up before he gets totally free.


Maybe the one that 'needs freeing' really is the Creator?

Lews Therin! Rand snapped in his mind. What do we do? How did you seal the Bore last time?


It didn't work, Lews Therin whispered. We used saidin, but we touched it to the Dark One. It was the only way! Something has to touch him, something to close the gap, but he was able to taint it. The seal was weak!


Yes, but what do we do differently? Rand thought.




We have seen 2 powers that can "contain" the Dark One's taint. We've seen one in action twice. Once in Rand's side, and once at Shadar Logoth. The other was the Dark One's power itself in the form of the black rope/cord connected to Ishmael/Asmodean etc, in some manner protecting the male channelers from the taint.


Though how/if that ties in with Callandor I have no clue.


But I can't fathom Padan Fain having survived through the entire series, homing in on Rand at the last battle, having an extreme loathing for the DO and possessing a power that counters the DO's as simply coincidence.


Okay, so Rand skewers Fain with Callandor, then uses the resulting shish-kebab to stuff the Dark One back through the bore. Finally, the two women linked with Rand seal the bore with Fain and the DO on the other side, Fain keeping the DO busy while they do it.


That started out as a joke, but Fain acting as a buffer/distraction against the DO while the bore is sealed isn't ridiculous.


-- dwn


I don't know how eloquent this is going to be but here goes...


Does it specifically state that Rand will be using Callandor in the Last Battle? Could the onyx(black) hand actually be the DO holding it and then he is destroyed by whatever greater flaw is present? It would be a dangerous gamble for the DO to have that kind of power, but perhaps the attempt by the DO to channel TP(I assume that is all he will be using) is what will bring out the greater flaw the Min feels there is in Callandor. Not sure how any of that would happen, but reading through this thread made that idea pop into my head.


In tSR , during Rand's trip through the columns, while he is experiencing the life of Jonai. Callandor is mentioned in as being in the same gathering of Aes Sedai where the Dragon Banner is seen, when the Nym is present, and the AS are talking about a Foretelling. I have wondered for years why Callandor was not put in the Eye with the Banner and Horn. I assumed, like most, that this vision was simply set up for events that had already taken place, but what if the Foretelling they are discussing is not just the Prophecy of the Dragon, but more specifically the LB, and these are the items that must be present at the LB. They even say that the "Sword must wait. Someshta, we have a task for the last of the Nym." , and at the time they are talking about setting up the Eye of the World (they reference 2 young male AS that "the taint is not strong within them"). So that begs the question that Moir raised in TEoTW, "Was the Eye meant for the use [they] put it to" and was Callandor linked to the Dragon Banner in some way? When Jonai enters the room he notices something,

"A Crystal Sword, perhaps an object of the Power, perhaps only an ornament, he had no way of telling, held down the Dragon Banner of Lews Therin Kinslayer, spread out like a table cloth and spilling onto the floor."


I don't have any real theory about Callandor and it's part in the LB, and I have found many here interesting to read. I just thought I'd add a bit more fuel for the fires of speculation. We definitely see Callandor foreshadowed as being integral to the LB as far back as tSR. I simply wanted to add something that hasn't been mentioned yet. I don't know if this info will help or hurt any one position here, so if you think you can use it, feel free! :rolleyes:

  On 11/18/2010 at 11:58 PM, mr.happy said:

I also like to think of the OP in terms of electricity, has a certain elegance to the analogy. So starting from V=IR, V is the strength of the individual wielder of the OP, I is the amount of power being drawn, and R is the 'resistance' to the flow of the OP through a medium, in the standard case it would be the human body.


So then if V1=I1R1 but you take R and V as constants then I tells you the exact amount of the OP an individual can safely wield unaided. So how large your V is determines your I, potential determines flow. I like to think of it like this because if you draw to much current through a wire or circuit, it gets to hot and eventually burns out. Similar to how you can draw to much of the OP but it either kills you or burns you out.


I always though of sa'angreal more along the lines of providing an external medium that you draw the OP through that has a lower 'resistance' or is better able to 'dissipate the heat'. The the two really large sa'angreal, Choedan Kal went more for heat dissipation with their size, Callandor is just a really good conductor.


It doesn't work, strength in OP isn't determined by how much you draw, rather how much you can draw is determined by your strength (I.E would be I=VR not V=IR), also, unlike electricity people don't have an all or nothing approach to using the OP but that equation doesn't allow for this.

However I guess it would work for potentional OP to drawn upon.


It has allways been said that Callandor must be used in a circle of three. I think that circle is not Rand and two woman but the three powers.

I think it will be



Rand ---The True Power


"It will bine him by thrice" meaning that the three powers combined through Callandor will bind the Dark One


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