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Big Greenie Field Trip Planning Thread


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The only weave is the Remove Taint, as the Final is an "ok, show us how deadly we've made you" kind of project. :)


And yay, Arath! :D We're going to start wreaking havoc here soon!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We can, or we can just keep throwing stuff in that thread. I'm ok with either!


As for kicking the Ashie's butt *Grins* that could be fun! Probably not as much for Kathleen, though the practice wouldn't hurt. Rasheta and Lor might just cause quite a bit of damage out of boredom, however... *laughs* Wanna try it? Who can blow up more stuff??? ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Woo I finally finished my post! only 17 days between starting it and finishing *embarrassed*. But its done! I did my test on all the weaves. Please let me know if its ok....


Ps I'm still up for kicking WC butt if you all are!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's ok if it's in the middle, Kathleen, no worries. Kyn's entertaining me while we give folks some time, but I'll probably get moving tomorrow and get across that border.


And jump in when you can, Rasheta! :) If I was in another country, you wouldn't get THIS much posted out of me. LOL


I'm trying to brain storm a cover story for our little band of folks... farmers won't work, merchants won't work... just happened to be in the neighborhood is a little pushing it. LOL Ideas?



Option- split up in... pairs with a group of three? and meet in Mardecin in X number of days? I'm thinking groups like this:


Lor & Kyn

Kathleen, Olmena (NPC) and Arath

Rasheta & Visar



What do you think? I'll keep playing with Olmena so you have someone in your group to talk to, Kathleen (and so Kathleen can see very clearly that she's not the weakest link... Olmena is!). Foreshadowing...oooohhhh...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll take your silence as acquiescence. Feel free to start your threads and we'll check up with each other in the next few weeks and see if we're ready to raid Mardecin or not.



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  • 5 months later...

ok, I'm bumping this because I'm still in a mood to blow stuff up. If you've been traveling, please wrap it up and get to Mardecin. I'm going to keep the groups separate, so if you don't want to pick this up, it doesn't stop the RP.


The plan-


Recon- Lor and Kyn will enter Mardecin. We should be the last group to arrive. We'll spend a little bit of time in recon, but won't be interacting too much with the other two groups because we don't want connections made and suspicions aroused. We'll send messages through codes found at the eyes and ears' place in Mardecin.


Retrieval- We will all go in different ways to get the book. White Cloaks are going to be waiting for us (though they don't know what we're after, so they won't know where to hide.) Expect them everywhere... a group of about 6 is what I have ok'd in White Cloak-ville. They're going to die or be very, very hurt when we're finished. Olmena is going to die heroically, too.


Returning Home- get your butts back to the Tower so we can decide where to hide the journal so we don't have this problem again. We'll stay separate until after we cross the Amadacian border and start home.


Kyn's in (I've pestered him via e-mail). Who else is in?

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