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Saidin's effect on angreal and terangreal


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Just started a reread of aPoD, and I was thinking about the Bowl of the Winds. Aparently the thing will start channeling on it's own, both saidin and saidar, with just saidar pumped into it.


Q: What do you think the consequences of muddy saidin being channeled through it are? for that matter, the consequences of using any terangreal or angreal with the power? i mean, if the ways are polluted by saidin... wouldn't it leave residues behind on objects of the power?


Well, the Bowl was created pre-Taint and we don't really know how objects on their own use the Power such as some people speak of. The lack of necessity of a channeller to use a ter-angreal etcetera.


I doubt it will have an effect.


The Ways are special I suppose. As Loial puts it, they are an almost living things. There were growing things (trees, fruits, etc...) and they are not a ter'angreal. The Talisman of Growing is. The Ways have been created with thr One Power.


And I don't see what you mean by the Bowl of the Wind chanelling on his own. There were 13 women chanelling. But the Bowl drew on saidin as well, mixing it to the weaving. The Bowl can't chanel/weave/work without a woman/man using it.


For the Angreal, Sa'angreal and Ter'angreal, I suppose that the taint can't affect them. First, we have no evidence of it in the book as of TGS, and those objects are not chanelling the OP, but using it in a determined way, or enabling one to draw more on the Power as a focus point. So for me there is no reason they should be affected by the taint


And I don't see what you mean by the Bowl of the Wind chanelling on his own.


Because once they'd activated it, it did this:


Nine and sea, and suddenly, Elayne felt the Bowl itself drawing saidar, a wild torrent far greater than all the circle together could manage.


All the channeling done by the circle was for controlling the Bowl. The huge weave that actually altered the weather was produced by the Bowl itself.

Bowl was a ter'angreal.


Thanks captain obvious! ;)


No all the chanelling done by the circle was for changing the weather. The Bowl then draw on the Power to extend the Weather-affecting weave to the actual weather.

Bowl was a ter'angreal.


Thanks captain obvious! ;)


No all the chanelling done by the circle was for changing the weather. The Bowl then draw on the Power to extend the Weather-affecting weave to the actual weather.


Re-read it: The uber-weave that springs from the Bowl, the one using more Power than the circle could possibly handle, mirrors that circle-weave, but only in part. They are not identical. The circle-weave had no direct effect on the weather. How could it? It was all directed into the Bowl. I.e., nothing like what we previously saw the Windfinders do at sea.


Well... the consequences of using the Bowl are evident. For weeks after the event, Saidin and Saidar where 'unstable', the effects were described during Rand's battle against the Seanchan.

Damane claimed to be sick and afraid to use the power, ashaaman said to feel vibrations in the power, and of-course Dashiva's description of his ward vibrating and the power 'refusing to cooperate'.


Well... the consequences of using the Bowl are evident. For weeks after the event, Saidin and Saidar where 'unstable', the effects were described during Rand's battle against the Seanchan.

Damane claimed to be sick and afraid to use the power, ashaaman said to feel vibrations in the power, and of-course Dashiva's description of his ward vibrating and the power 'refusing to cooperate'.


That's nothing to do with the taint:

The Path of Daggers book tour 21 November 1998, VA - John Novak reporting


The Bowl: Someone asked him whether, if men had helped the Aes Sedai and Windfinders and Kin channel through the Bowl, the One Power would still have been screwed up. His implicit assumption was that the Bowl screwed things up....He went into a relatively detailed explanation to the effect that the Bowl was stressed far, far beyond its original design parameters because of the advanced knowledge of the Windfinders. It was affecting a global pattern, when it was designed for only a small region. Men helping would not have changed anything, and the effects linger most strongly near Ebou Dar, but also along the "spokes" which radiated from that place.

  • 2 weeks later...
Bowl was a ter'angreal.


Thanks captain obvious! ;)


No all the chanelling done by the circle was for changing the weather. The Bowl then draw on the Power to extend the Weather-affecting weave to the actual weather.


Re-read it: The uber-weave that springs from the Bowl, the one using more Power than the circle could possibly handle, mirrors that circle-weave, but only in part. They are not identical. The circle-weave had no direct effect on the weather. How could it? It was all directed into the Bowl. I.e., nothing like what we previously saw the Windfinders do at sea.



the seafolk woman explained that it was like pushing a rudder on a boat the size of the world, so you should expect changes, but it was going to take a while for the ship to turn.


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