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Verin/Mat/Rand but the time has past?


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So basically Ive been thinking recently that the Horn of Valere is supposed to be the Lights plan B, to be used in the event that the Dragon, the ultimate weapon, is turned Dark-that the Horn is supposed to summon Heroes, creating the rift in the Pattern that RJ mentioned when they attack the Dragon. Said rift I think would basically destroy the Dragons connection to the Pattern, making him just a normal man for the rest of this incarnation and thus easier to kill and get back on side via the rebirth system. And the reason that the Hornsounder is never the Dragon is of course a common sense thing, the Pattern will always make someone else blow it.


This I think explains Mats destiny as Son of Battles. He is supposed to lead the Heroes of the Horn if it comes to it, to make it so Rand lost his Ta'verenism and died, thus preventing the Dark One from getting him and resulting in a "draw" at the Last Battle-life goes on. So Mat is supposed to be prepared to turn against Rand if it came to Rand being taken by the Shadow.


What I begin to wonder is that, does the time period of Verins letter match up to the end of TGS? Ive been wondering if what Verin wrote in that letter relates to this, that he is supposed to be ready to turn against Rand with everything he has, that being the Horn and everything else his Ta'erenism would give him. What if Verin says that in her letter, and Mat opens it literally just after the time period passes where he HAD to do what the letter says ie turn on Rand? Is that viable?

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Drekka is merely speculating the contents of Verin's letter.


I do like the theory about the rift but one thing.


This has been taken two ways, so i am only half sure. Hawkwing says that Rand and him have fought as much against as they have beside each other. It is not the Dragon that needs to fight with the horn, but the Banner. The rift is when the Banner and Horn are on the opposite side. So theoretically the Dragon could be evil, but the Banner and the Horn fight against him. Of course, Hawkwing could just as easily have meant they have fought in pervious lives not as HotH, so its unclear. Also, it could be that the Dragon cant be on opposite side of the horn, but the only mention we have of this "rift" is the "Banner" not the Dragon. (IIRC)


But yeah, apart from that, I like the idea of the rift. However, I dont think it is in Verin's letter. If it is about the Horn, I think it would be "Come get the horn from -----".


But I have a feeling it has nothing to do with the horn. I mean, the Horn is a very, very important part of the story. I just dont think Verin would be so careless about it. She says Mat doesnt have to open it if he doesnt feel like it. I doubt she would play her game with the two weeks crap for the horn. She would say "Open the damn letter at this point in time. Read what it says, you will understand." Instead she says "you dont have to open it, but if you do, you have to do what it says" I mean, its not a very good thing to say to Mat of all people. If he was told, "just open it sometime" (given room to avoid the DF oath) and do whatever you want, if it was "get the horn." Mat would do it. He may not like it, but he knows he has to.


Of course, she could be guessing that Mat couldnt resist the urge to open the letter thus telling him he had to do it if he read it, but it just seems theres alot of supposition for something so important.


Also, if it was the horn, surely she would have mentioned it to Egwene when she knew she was going to die. I mean, a simple "if mat doesnt come in x days, send a message to him to get the horn." She wouldnt have to tell her where it was, just a reminder that Mat needs to get it.


Anyway, in conclusion, like the rift part of the theory, but I dont think the Verin letter part will be true.


Final interesting thing to point out in regards to Mat HAVING to betray Rand to save everyone. Remember the portal stone trip in the Great Hunt. Mat says "i would never betray you". Just a little something or forshadowing?

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Of course, she could be guessing that Mat couldnt resist the urge to open the letter thus telling him he had to do it if he read it, but it just seems theres alot of supposition for something so important.


Verin is very smart an anaylistic, she knows that he can't resist opening the letter; it's in his character too much to not be able to open it.

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Q: "Hawkwing says they follow the banner and the Dragon. Moiraine says the Heroes will follow whoever winds the horn. Was Moiraine wrong?"


A: *Arch look* "Moiraine doesn't know everything. She was speaking the truth as she knows it." (I took this to imply that Moir was misinformed, and the conflict resolved, until he continued.) "However, she is correct in that whoever sounds the horn 'controls the Heroes.'" [exact quote] (I started to get confused at this point. Is Moir right or is she wrong? What's he trying to tell me?)


Q: "Then what happens if the Dragon and the banner are on opposite sides of the conflict from whoever sounds the horn?"


A: "Then we get a [rift] in the Pattern."

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Final interesting thing to point out in regards to Mat HAVING to betray Rand to save everyone. Remember the portal stone trip in the Great Hunt. Mat says "i would never betray you". Just a little something or forshadowing?


What if Mat giving up half the light of the world was him doing this to Rand, and the vision about a wounded eye was just some unrelated red heron wound he will take?

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