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Fable 3


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okay so i broke down and got Fable 3 yesturday. i've only played it for about 2 hrs, and most of that was feeling out the game instead of following the story line.



storyline is good, i like it. i like the "path to rule" where all you main upgrades are held (weapons, magic, emotes & such). also the Sancuatry is good too. i love that time stop & calling souls is now a potion rather than a spell. the button system for combat is much easier, as is switching from one type of combat to another. the jobs are different, i do hope to see the 3 jobs from Fable 2 later on in the game; they're much more challenging to get higher combos with as well. i've never been good with button pressing sequences either, so its probably just me :laugh: i cant wait to try out the real estate portion of this game, and it looks like owning a shop will give you much mor benefits than it did in #2. one good thing about the map is i like how you can target a spacific place and transport directly to that spot, it will make completing quests very easy. also, the same consloe co-op sounds great as well; i can't wait to drag bubba away from Force Unleashed 2 to try it out.



i have yet to find how to access my invetory though. i don't like how there's no onscreen health & magic meter, or how the only way to get to health enhancements is if the icon appears. the map is kinda hard for me to use right now, also keeping track of quests and completing them is confusing. i've accepted two and completed one, but the villagers only say "can you do this for me" but don't tell me where to go or what item to pick up. it's ALOT different than #2's system, and i have to say i prefer #2's system much more right now. i don't like how it limits the expression i can do, i loved being able to chose my own, not just be limited to what the game suggested. the screen seems sort of glitchy in some ways. when you walk the background doesn't always move smoothly, and sometimes the character seems to almost blur or go out of focus when you running.




thats about all i have. it's not an easy switch of game style from #2 to #3; not as smooth of a transition, its a shell shock really. so be prepared for that when you first play it. i'm still getting used to the game, unlike Fable 2 it's not one that your able to jump in and feels natural ya know.




so who else is playing this right now :baalzamon:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was playing it. And agree with you all points. The "inventory" is at the Sanctuary, though. I like the set up, but it's lacking in certain areas when compared to 2. The emotions, for example.


I hate when games do this. Add some awesome improvements, while taking away what was already awesome in the previous game. Makes no sense. Why fix what isn't broken? But for all that, I like the game. I like Fable 2, as well.


But I am currently playing Fable 1 for the first time by going through Xbox Live. You could almost mistake the trilogy for being separate games made by different companies. Frustrating.


But damn, I'm a sucker, and they are good by themselves. Just not very...synchronized as a series.

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  • 3 weeks later...

once i got used to it, i do like the invetory system better; but i still prefer the option of having it in menu form as well as thats what your used to with majority of the RPGs. the map is great though. i love being able to do the realestate thing from just the map; the upkeep portion of it is interesting. i have to say the map function in this game is much mroe user friendly and enjoyable than in #2.



i feel like the road to rule is a bit too short though; granted i've put down the game recently. but in under 5 hrs of play time i'm already almost done with the Road to Rule it seems. kinda of anti-climatic as i cant see how there woudl be much enjoyment for replay value once the revolution is complete.



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  • 1 month later...

so i beat the game last night ... pretty anti climatic honestly. the game is alright, though not worht the hype it got tbh. i'm unsure i i'm going to finish the remaining quests or not ...



also, filling up my treasury was pointless. i was 900,000 away from the "goal" and nothing bad or good happened.



also, Crawler was super easy to beat. just make sure to max out your magic & ranged weapon, equip the rifle to pick off the giant sand robots (shoud take 1 or 2 shots to beat them). equip the fire & sword guantlets and all the creatures you encounter during the last battle will be easy to beat.

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