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Welcome Lynchgrinch to the BT

Little Miss

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*Grumbles about a two bit no good pie thief*


Yes Lynch that would be the Shadow Leader, a horrible person.


The leader of the light is not around so I've usurped her position and am in constant battle with the force of evil as all his minions have fled.


*Weaves air and blows a pile of leaves a solider spent all day carefully constructing with the one power at TMD*

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We have a new guy on the block, so please welcome Lynchgrinch to the BT.


give him your best welcome as I know you are good at doing...


Oh and no mickey taking him about him being Scottish, it's untrue they are not tightfisted!! in fact we have one in our office and he williningly (so it is told) left money for cakes to bought for his birthday despite being at of the office on that day! And he worked in Finance!!!!!1


Welcome Grinchy!

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heh, those look good *takes brownies*


They ARE good :happy:


Thanks for the welcome everyone, i gues light and dark will have to fight for my eternal soul then aye? right now Shadow is looking slightly cooler... :cool:


Glad to meet you all and join the ranks!

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