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So, Elin is now an Accepted, and I'm thinking she is going to become a Red. I'd like her to have some experience one on one with a sister of that Ajah so she can get a feel for who they are and what they do. I was thinking a lesson in Spirit would be a good reason for the meeting. Here's an outline of what I was thinking... if you don't like it, we can change it.




RP Concept: Elin will seek out a Red Sister to learn to use Spirit offensively

Characters: Red Sister (NSW or PC) and Elin

Timeline: IC: One month, OOC: a week



First Lesson:

I. Red will shield Elin, tell her to fight free

II. Elin will try, finding the weave of the shield, the knot where Red is holding the weave, and be unable to break free

III. Red will explain Shielding, also Stilling, and their differences, will send Elin back to her room

IV. Elin will leave, practice the shielding weave in her room


Second Lesson:

I. Red will order Elin to weave a series of simple weaves

II. As Elin weaves, Red will cut her weaves, slicing them cleanly with Spirit

III. Red will then offer Elin the chance to practice slicing her weaves; Red will use clubs of air (weak) to motivate Elin to slice them all

IV. Elin will attempt to slice all the clubs, will miss some

V. Red will Heal Elin, and send her back to bed


Third Lesson:

I. Red will demonstrate wards against people (1 that blocks anyone from entering, 1 that is selective in who can enter, the alarm ward)

II. Elin will practice

III. Red will demonstrate the weave to eavesdrop on someone, and tell Elin to attempt to listen in on a conversation somewhere else in the Tower

IV. Elin will attempt and eventually succeed

V. Red will congratulate Elin on learning Spirit


I love the way you lay it out so clearly! :biggrin:


If one of my other Reddies don't jump on you first, I'm willing to give it a bash - it will just have to wait about a week, as this is my busy time at work and I'm brain dead.


Just as a matter of interest: how old are you planning on making your character in the main timeline?


I love the way you lay it out so clearly! :biggrin:


If one of my other Reddies don't jump on you first, I'm willing to give it a bash - it will just have to wait about a week, as this is my busy time at work and I'm brain dead.


Just as a matter of interest: how old are you planning on making your character in the main timeline?


:biggrin: Thanks Elgee! I try to lay it out like that so that everyone interested knows where the beginning, middle and end are... I've tried roleplaying elsewhere and because the game wasn't clear about where, when, and why people were doing things, it got muddled and eventually just trailed off. Glad you like it. :biggrin:


I know what you mean about being braindead. I had my first day of class for my last year of university (undergraduate) yesterday, and my brain is still recovering!


I think Elin should be in the 130-150 range main timeline. Old enough to be taken seriously, to maybe be a Sitter at some time, but still able to go on adventures. :wink:


Oh! Oh! I has a red, and she needs entertaining!


Oooh... if Elgee doesn't mind, I think Elin could entertain your red for a bit. :smile:


*grins* I was going to poke you on MSN about this one, Arath :biggrin:


I don't mind at all, Phelix!




*Does the dignified, Aes Sedai version of the happy dance*


Sooo ... you want to start it, or should I?


Go ahead and start it, then I'll get a feel for Rochel. :biggrin:


Alrighty. I go home in about ... 3 more hours, so I'll get something posted some time shortly after that.


It's my turn for the happy dance... and because I'm an Accepted I don't have to be all that dignified!




Now, I suppose my boss wants me to do some actual "work" for her, rather than advancing my Accepted. *sigh*


I was just going to say i would poke Arath and here you lot have it sorted already! *ruffles Phelix's hair*


Quickest raising to Accepted i have ever seen in my time at DM LOL Mind you that's not even a year yet so from before that... *shrugs*

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