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The Tower Guard Program


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I just wanted to post here that I applied, but I'm unsure if you received it or not, since the form was a bit hard to type in.


Thanks for giving us the opportunity!


oh and a little side note for anyone who applied for the tower guard for arundel mills in maryland, for anyone who did not get selected and If I do not get selected I am trying to get a group together to eat and bs before the siging. so if anyone is interested let me know.


Arundel Mills was my first choice; Books a Million my second. Where would this little get together be?

  • Moderator

If you are planning a get together at a signing, please start a thread on the DM meets board. Thanks.


If you are planning a get together at a signing, please start a thread on the DM meets board. Thanks.


I have moved the post in question to the correct forum section listed above :cool: and have removed the post from this section of the forum.

  • 2 weeks later...

I was selected for the midnight release!! Thanks!


So, where is that forum where the Tower Guards can get organized together? I'm ready to get started!


I was selected for the midnight release!! Thanks!


So, where is that forum where the Tower Guards can get organized together? I'm ready to get started!


And I got selected in Dallas :)


The Tower Stands!

  • Moderator

It's perfectly possible that I suck at adding people to a board. So if you don't see it, then I'll get my husband to add everyone when he gets home from work tonight.

  • Moderator

I think I fixed the problem. Everyone who posted here or emailed me should be able to see it now. If not, it'll have to wait until this evening when someone smarter than me gets home from work. =)


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