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The Domination Band


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I know that Elayne, and Nyn. both tried to destroy the original band, but mog. said that it was made from cuendillar and as expected they could not destroy it.


So how did rand manage to destroy it? I know he was using the true power and all, but even that doesn't seem able to destroy cuendillar on its own, or Ishamael would have simply used it to destroy all of the seals when he was spun out, wouldn't he?


The Domination Band that was put on Rand's neck wasn't the original. The copy were certainly not made of Cuendillar, since it's making had been lost till Egwene rediscovered how to do.


it was the original. Egwene and Nyneave gave it to Bayle Doman to throw in the ocean, then the Seanchan found it when they raided his boat. and TP can destroy heartstone, that and balefire and onother way according to brandon


Which, of course, leads to the questions: who's got the original? And who made the copies?

The a'dam is the only Ter'angreal the Seanchan can make. I think it is possible with the Domination Band...


The Original should be somewhere in the Seanchan territory, under heavy guard. I don't think it was there with the 6 others Semi brought with her...


Seanchan can make another ter-angreal cant they? The bloodknives rings.


When activated with blood, the ring gives the wearer superior strength and speed, and allows them to blend into shadows, but drains the wearers life. If they only had a few, bloodknives wouldn't be left to the suicide missions.


Doesn't Brandon say that they didn't created them? They had them, but can't create them. I went looking in the Q&A compilation, but all link are borken...


I'm working my way through fixing those, but there are so many! *sobs*



And yes--the Seanchan didn't make the Bloodrings (I just coined that term, go me!). They can indeed only make a'dam--the Domination Band is unknown.

the Domination Band is unknown


Unknown in what regard? His location? His making?


If the latter, how did they came with 6 Domination Bands in "A plain Wooden Box" KoD?


If the former, I think it is in Ebou Dar somewhere

The Domination Band that was put on Rand's neck wasn't the original. The copy were certainly not made of Cuendillar, since it's making had been lost till Egwene rediscovered how to do.


That's not entirely accurate--Semirhage could have trained the damane in making cuendillar. It would not have been difficult--the Seanchan keep track of both those with the ability to make ter'angreal and those with strength in Earth. Semirhage could have easily identified someone with the necessary skill, and worked them through the technique like Egwene did. Alternatively its entirely possible she made them herself.


Unknown in what regard? His location? His making?


In relation to the subject matter--it is unknown whether the Seanchan reproduced the Domination Band. It's not implausible they did so--it's close enough to the a'dam that them attempting to reproduce it would not violate RJ's comments about Seanchan knowledge of the creation of ter'angreal.

That's not entirely accurate--Semirhage could have trained the damane in making cuendillar. It would not have been difficult--the Seanchan keep track of both those with the ability to make ter'angreal and those with strength in Earth. Semirhage could have easily identified someone with the necessary skill, and worked them through the technique like Egwene did. Alternatively its entirely possible she made them herself.


Really? You think Semi may have taught the damane? As who? Herself? Ostensibly none knew she was anyone other than Tuon, correct? Or did I miss something. They all hurled chunk (freaked out anyway) when they found out she was Semirhage didn't they? It didn't seem to me any were darkfriends she could have appeared to as herself.


As Tuon she couldn't have taught them as that'd show she could channel. Not as whats-er-name either. So I think, if it was reproduced it would have had to be by Semi on her own.


Weren't the others they had in a sack a'dam and not Dom Bands? I cannot recall.

That's not entirely accurate--Semirhage could have trained the damane in making cuendillar. It would not have been difficult--the Seanchan keep track of both those with the ability to make ter'angreal and those with strength in Earth. Semirhage could have easily identified someone with the necessary skill, and worked them through the technique like Egwene did. Alternatively its entirely possible she made them herself.


Really? You think Semi may have taught the damane? As who? Herself? Ostensibly none knew she was anyone other than Tuon, correct? Or did I miss something. They all hurled chunk (freaked out anyway) when they found out she was Semirhage didn't they? It didn't seem to me any were darkfriends she could have appeared to as herself.


As Tuon she couldn't have taught them as that'd show she could channel. Not as whats-er-name either. So I think, if it was reproduced it would have had to be by Semi on her own.


Weren't the others they had in a sack a'dam and not Dom Bands? I cannot recall.


The Lady of Pain would have had no problems with retraining a damane to be loyal to her. She need simply identify a damane with the correct skills, and obtain her. Neither of which are problems.


I do believe based on the fact that she was able to make copies to begin with that she was the one in charge of the operation that grabbed the original to begin with. And she probably copied it herself, or simply took a damane that could... they are very "controllable". Either way, being as strong cuendillar was a property of the ter'angreal itself, i would imagine since even the tiniest difference will change a ter'angreals function completely (Elayne and copying the stone ring, even the coloring had to be right or it wouldn't work), it is reasonable to assume the copies are as well.


Balefire CANNOT destroy heartstone, crael (the scene right after nyn. shielded mogh. the first time the balefire ter'angreal was used to attack nyn, it missed and hit shelves with heartstone on them, the heartstone was the only thing to survive). Though, i suppose we do not know enough about the TP to be sure if it can or not.


1. TSR, Ch. 54:

The glass-walled table fell before the molten shaft vanished, leaving a purplish bar that seemed burned into Nynaeve's vision; the cuendillar figures were all that dropped out of that molten white shaft, bouncing on the floor.

The figurines did not break, of course. It seemed Moghedien was right; not even balefire could destroy cuendillar.

Balefire cannot destroy cuendillar.



2. KOD, Ch. 26:

Within lay coiled a'dam and a number of circlets made of segmented black metal, some large, some small.

And later:

"They're a'dam for men," she [Nynaeve] said angrily.

Yes, multiple copies of the Domination Band. Though as stated before, we don't know who made them.



3. We know something similar to the True Power can destroy cuendillar -- the destruction of the seals indicates as much. But Rand didn't touch the Domination Band with the True Power. He blew it up with weaves of Fire. So it clearly wasn't cuendillar.


3. We know something similar to the True Power can destroy cuendillar -- the destruction of the seals indicates as much. But Rand didn't touch the Domination Band with the True Power. He blew it up with weaves of Fire. So it clearly wasn't cuendillar.


You might want to reread that chapter Hybrid. Rand clearly channeled the True Power to escape from the dominion band and kill both Elza and Semi. LTT was freaked out when Rand found the source and screamed that it was him and ran off into the depths of Rands half whacked mind. There is also the fact that RJ had said in interviews that the mechanics of the two powers were very similar thus a channeler did not need to be retaught so he/she could use the TP. So Rand blew the band apart with a weave of fire using the TP.


3. We know something similar to the True Power can destroy cuendillar -- the destruction of the seals indicates as much. But Rand didn't touch the Domination Band with the True Power. He blew it up with weaves of Fire. So it clearly wasn't cuendillar.


You might want to reread that chapter Hybrid. Rand clearly channeled the True Power to escape from the dominion band and kill both Elza and Semi. LTT was freaked out when Rand found the source and screamed that it was him and ran off into the depths of Rands half whacked mind. There is also the fact that RJ had said in interviews that the mechanics of the two powers were very similar thus a channeler did not need to be retaught so he/she could use the TP. So Rand blew the band apart with a weave of fire using the TP.

You might want to reread what I said. He used Fire. True Power Fire weaves, but Fire nonetheless. Fire does not destroy cuendillar.


The constant presence of the DO touching the prison since the breaking is what has weakened the seals. If the DO had the power to simply destroy cuendillar, it would never have been used by LTT and the hundred companions to seal the DO up tight. So that blows that idea. So now we know the domination band used on Rand was NOT cuendillar. Semi mentions in a POV that they were made after the breaking so had never heard of such things, in fact the idea of a forced bond was completely foreign. So I would doubt there would be large stores of such devices that were made and "stored" all in one place for the seanchan to find. Remember the aes sedai have never found two ter'angreal before that did the same thing, so the chances of that are beyond imagining. So that leaves them having been made in current times. That leaves the "multiples" as copies of the Tarabon device that are not cuendillar.


If the DO had the power to simply destroy cuendillar, it would never have been used by LTT and the hundred companions to seal the DO up tight. So that blows that idea. So now we know the domination band used on Rand was NOT cuendillar.



Question: Do the Seanchan know how to make cuendillar?

Brandon: You're trying to figure out if the collar Semirhage put on Rand is cuendillar. (this was a long convo so I can't remember all of it... I THINK he said the original had been made of cuendillar, and that the Seanchan had copies of it, but would not answer whether those were made of cuendillar as well. He wouldn't say if Rand was wearing a copy or the original, he said it didn't matter. And that he knew of at least two ways to destroy cuendillar-- The True Power and one other way. He looked thoughtful when Muirenn mentioned the theory that women make white cuendillar and men make black cuendillar, but wouldn't confirm or deny.)


Sorry bud.


Still, this should hold merit. All that quote proves is that with the TP there is a way. It does not say that all weaves of that power can destroy cuendillar. Rands used the TP for weaves of fire (as quoted above). Fire is simply fire, and as so should only strengthen the DomBand if it were made of cuendillar.


The True Power is a destructive Power. And the fact that it is working the same way as the One Power doesn't prevent it from breaking Cuendillar. Look the Travelling : Rand bend the Pattern, Egwene create a similarity in the Pattern, and Moridin poke a hole in the Pattern. Clearly, you use it thr same way, but the way of acting is different.


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