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Lews Therin Telamon


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I haven't been able to find these questions out.


Was LTT ta'veren? I have never seen it mentioned whether he was or not.


Since we know nothing of his age's prophecies... how much did LTT know of his role within the Pattern?  It would seem odd someone of his stature had no prophecies with him. But I assume he didn't know like Rand knows his destiny and effect on the pattern.  That LTT was just a man doing his best to fight the DO. 


Nothing concrete, but certainly indicative:

"Yes, that's it. But sometimes the change chooses you, or the Wheel chooses it for you. And sometimes the Wheel bends a life-thread, or several threads, in such a way that all the surrounding threads are forced to swirl around it, and those force other threads, and those still others, and on and on. That first bending to make the Web, that is ta'veren, and there is nothing you can do to change it, not until the Pattern itself changes. The Web - ta'maral'ailen, it's called - can last for weeks, or for years. It can take in a town, or even the whole Pattern. Artur Hawkwing was ta'veren. So was Lews Therin Kinslayer, for that matter, I suppose." He let out a booming chuckle. "Elder Haman would be proud of me. He always droned on, and the books about traveling were much more interesting, but I did listen sometimes."

“Not his madness,” Moiraine said, “if he is far enough gone yet to be called mad. Perrin, he is more strongly ta’veren than anyone since the Age of Legends. Yesterday, in this village, the Pattern... moved, shaped itself around him like clay shaped on a mold. The weddings, the Whitecloaks, these were enough to say Rand had been here, for anyone who knew to listen.”

“I worked it out for myself. I think ta’veren are pulled toward each other. Or maybe Rand pulls us, Mat and me both. He’s supposed to be the strongest ta’veren since Artur Hawkwing, maybe since the Breaking. Mat won’t even admit he’s ta’veren, but however he tries to get away, he always ends up drawn back to Rand. Loial says he has never heard of three ta’veren, all the same age and all from the same place.”

I might've missed something, it's really hard to find these conversations...


Was Lews the first Dragon (as in Rand is he reborn?)?


If so, I can't believe that he would know what his job, his fate was. He simply sealed away the Dark One with the rest of the male and female channelers and then got hit by the taint and went mad.


That's been chronicled since and the prophecies started so that when Rand's time has come round everyone knows the tale and he's got Aes Sedai to guide him.


We know he 'made his own luck'. That's something...

Moreover, Loial said 'supposedly', not 'presumably'. It sounds like Ogier memory is clearer on the issue.


He was the most influential man of his Age, so I would say he would be. Influence doesn't neccessarily mean ta`veren, but in this case it probably would. As for why there weren't any prophecies, it doesn't neccessarily mean that there is prophecies for every major occasion. The prophecies needed to be in place this time for active searching for the Dragon Reborn as well as various amounts of aid. Lews Therin would have rose on his own accord.


Keep in mind, no one is ta'veren inherently, or for their whole life.  A person becomes ta'veren when the Pattern decides that they need to be ta'veren.  See Jordan's comments on ta'veren in this post:




Lews Therin Telamon was almost certainly ta'veren for at least a little while during the War of the Power.  He was undoubtedly "A person around whom the Wheel of Time weaves all surrounding life-threads," and that is the definition of ta'veren from the glossary of tEotW.


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