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DAES DAE'MAR - The White Tower & Warders Yard Newsletter - July 2010


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The Wheel turns as it always does. Sending people off to their real lives and making general mayhem by keeping them there. Nonetheless, Daes Dae’mar the WT Newsletter will always be with you, albeit often with a few articles kinda missing in action.


Unfortunately with the onslaught of Real Life endeavours, many of our writers this issues have been taken hostage and thus unable to contribute to the greatness that is Daes Dae’mar. We will remember them in our own time and hope that they make it safely back to us. Soon. Preferably with all sorts of inspiration. And time on their hands to write non-stop. Ever.


So! Nevermind them! ON TO OUR NEWSLETTER! This issue looks at mostly what’s going on in DM’s little White Tower corner. And AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!! You'll be SHOCKED! AMAZED! OVERWHELMED! MADE TO PRANCE AROUND! *ahem*


So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!




Editor, Interviewer and Blue To Da Bone

PS. Let us know if you want to contribute to our Newsletter, either as a writer, information gatherer or just as someone to keep the rest of us entertained. Okay, maybe not the last one. PM Elgee or I. It’ll be great! We have cookies. Everyone loves cookies. Om nom nom nom nom. Join us. Pweeeeese? Kthxbye.





[move][glow=red,2,300][shadow=red,left]IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT !!![/shadow][/glow][/move]



The End is Nigh!



And here you all thought this was just a myth, heh? Well, the myth is on you!



Strait from the Admin's mouth:



Unless someone gives us a very compelling reason to move it back, Tuesday, Aug, 10 will be the LAST day that anything posted on the site will be preserved. Everything posted up until that point will be preserved and transferred to the new site. Everything afterward? Not so much.


What's getting moved? Your forum accounts, user registrations, signatures, PM boxes, forum posts, etc.


Will these forums stay online during the transfer? Why yes they will! You will still be able to post to your little hearts content here. It just won't be transferred to the new site.


When will DM 8.0 be online? It'll be sometime between Aug. 29 and Sept. 2. When we know the exact date, we'll tell you. There are a number of factors coming together, but our hard deadline is that everything will be up and running by DragonCon.




You can also read Mother's thread about it 









Alanna Jr



Perhaps you were away on LOA and missed what's been happening this month? Well, you've come to the right place to find out! Step right in and see the amazing wonders of lions and tigers and bears OH MY! what happened while you were gone!


As for New Aspies this month....


We gained three new Novices:





And two new Algai:




Be sure to let them know how much we love more aspies running around! (And be sure to give my brother Andrew a poke and a jab for me, will ya?)


We have one Promotion, and that of our popular Dah'mir to position of Weaver in the Yellow Ajah! How about going to congratulate him on this new title! Here's link to lead the way!


And.. *drum roll* we have a last minute Warder Bond for this wonderful month of July! Please congratulate mmeeshal and Ireond on their bond, and join in on the party HERE!


No new Raisings this July, but let's congratulate Red2111 and Wolfie for finding their ways home!


Red has been accepted into the Blue Ajah, welcome and join the party HERE!

And Wolfie was accepted into the Green Ajah, welcome her here!








Alanna Jr



Welcome everyone! For those still in school, August is the hectic month of buying school supplies, seeing that all your classes are in order, or even moving into your dorms. Personally, I'm starting college, and I'm half terrified to see what they have in store for me! :) As for happenings and Events in the White Tower, so far, we don't have any events planned for the month of August, but for those of you interested, just contact the Head of your Ajah or the MoN to get things rolling!


Looking into the past Augusts, let's see and congratulate those who have been lucky to bond in this wonderful month with Bonderversaries!


We have five Warder Bonds in past Augusts:


August 2004 North Star and Corki

August 2006 Danya of the Blue Ajah and Jur Grady

August 16, 2007 Delenn of the Whites and Moose, see it here

August 9, 2008 Jaydena of the Green Ajah and BCXANTH

August 5, 2009 Dwynwen and BenTGaidin,  see it here


We also had five Souvra Bonds in the past Augusts:


August 16, 2003 Taya (Green Ajah) and Eladari

August 6, 2006 Cairos (Gray Ajah) and Charis al'Aslan (Blue Ajah), seen here

August 4, 2008 Dah'mir (Yellow Ajah) and Kara J (Green Ajah), seen here

August 22, 2008 Dah'mir (Yellow Ajah) and Elgee (Red Ajah), here!

August 25, 2009 dragonsworn1991 (Red Ajah) to mmeeshal (Yellow Ajah), all here


Thanks everyone for reading, and Happy Anniversary Month to all those bondeds!








by Boopsy aka Wayward Fool



So if you didn’t know we feature one person every Daes Dae’mar issue to be interviewed, then you’ve either been living under a rock or been too busy doing naughty things with Jhaenara.(Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Just not very effective in keeping up with current news.)


So here we are again. Trying to get to know some of the more… elusive members of the White Tower. And this time around we have Ireond. Some of you are going, “Ire-who?” or “How do you pronounce Ire-who?” And we’re very shocked at this. Hopefully this will be properly rectified by the end of this interview.


Although, I doubt it.


Boopsy (B): Hel-


Ireond (I): AH HAH! Caught you! You sneaky little… (Pulls out a giant sword)


B: Whoa! Cool it! I’m Boop-


I: You don’t fool me, you well dressed, Blue shawled… good looking… man… with… your… Aes… Sedai face… filled with… anger. Oh. Aes Sedai. Sorry there, I thought you were one of those pesky little Dark Minion types. Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. This isn’t even real. (Points to sword and IS CUT) Ow.


B: Okaaaay… Right. I think I better get on with it and get out of here asap. So…


I: (Sucking on finger) Yeah?


B: Ummm… (Is distracted by finger sucking) What was I saying?


I: (Continues sucking on finger) Something about getting on with it.


B: Getting it on with the Warders… I mean (Mentally shakes himself) Question one! In the books have always been hot sweaty men, who have the grace of a tiger and the danger of Death himself, how similar is your division to that?


I: Well, at the very least sweaty, I believe it's hot enough around here for everyone.       


B: Yes, very hot. Very, very hot. (Takes notes)  Who do you think amongst you has the best body?


I: Body? Well… some of the Aes Sedai, but only when they're amongst us.  As far as Warders, I don't really know.  Shiny and fancy cars are wonderful and all, but they may not be the ride you're looking for.


B: And who’s been riding who- I mean, let’s talk about something else. Some other umm…  Oh! Bonds! How would you go about getting Bonded?


I:  How would I go about getting bonded?  You mean how would someone finally hunt me down and talk me into it? Dunno.  You'll just have to wait and see.


((BREAKING NEWS: Apparently between the time this interview was done and the publishing of this Newsletter, our evasive lil Sword Commander, who’s got the whole finger sucking thing down pat, got Bonded. Congratulations Meeshy! You apparently pushed the right buttons. Or all of them. Or pulled something. I don’t know. Anyway, Meesh got lucky.))


B: Well, that’s nice. What do you want your Division to be well known for?


I: Friendship and camaraderie, and a little bit of laughing in the face of Death


B: That’s not very helpful. Put it this way… Why should someone choose to be a Warder rather than an Aes Sedai?


I: They should do what they wish to do.  Some of us can fling fire around and whip people with air, others of us have a job to do.  (Grins mischievously)


B: (Cocks a brow) Err…


I:  I’m just kidding. All teasing aside, you should pick the role that you're most comfortable with.  As half of a team, you have a job to do, and if you're not comfortable doing that job, you're in the wrong career path.


B: So I read on my notes you’re a Sword Commander? And such a big sword you have too! Do you have problems sheathing it or- Sorry, I meant… what’s a Sword Commander?


I: (Gives a weird look) Riiight. A Sword Commander is given charge of a discipline. 


B: Oh my you said my favourite word there. But I suppose you aren’t really talking about feathered cuffs and perfumed whips so…  You might as well explain… what’s a discipline?


I: (Confused look) I don’t think I… feathered whips… What? No no, a discipline to us, is a group of like minded Warders who band together for training and camaraderie. 


B: Yes, training and camaraderie. I TOTALLY got you. (Winks) Anyway, Bob’s pretty popular around these parts, what’s that about?


I: Bob! Everyone loves Bob. Tradition, I suppose.  That and it's always a joy to throw people into the moat.


B: In the moat huh? Well… What’s Ire like under that colour swirling cloak? 


I: (Blinks) Pretty much the exact same. (Covers chest with hands) Ummm…


B: Not what I was talking about. I meant in real life, but… good to know. If you had the ability to be a real warder, colour swirling cloak, grace of feral cat, death on two feet… etc, how would you live your life any differently?


I: I'd live my life differently by living around a bunch of powerful channelers.  That changes your life dramatically, you know.  Odds of dying a more exciting death is increased somewhat. Especially with my sense of humor.  Wait...  feral cat?  What happened to the Tiger?


B: (Absently) I keep it in my other room. Speaking of which… (Shakes himself) Anyway, thanks for the time. I need to go back and do some exercising. Lunch was a bit… too much. (Pauses) Since you’re about the whole training thing… What advice would you give to someone who’s desperately trying to get a six pack for abs and has tried everything from dieting to daily crunches to crying desperately to the Creator and begging for magic abs?


I: (Rubs tummy absently) Well… Who needs a six pack to kill trollocs? You just need a big sword. Mind you, try everything at once, see if that works.  If not, maybe just get comfortable with who you are.


B: Yeah. I figured. Thanks anyway.


I: No charge. Come hang out with us soon.


B: Sure. Can I have a colour swirling cloak thing?


I: No.


B: Fine. Whatever.


So yeah. The Warders. Hot. Sweaty men. Who live in discipline. And train. With occasional whipping. In a good way. Or not. Whatever keeps you afloat.


I’m just saying.


Come back soon. I’m off to do my crunches and magic-abs begging. Ciaoz.









]This month's special feature on the Warders, by guest writer Thorkin



1001 Pet Peeves Thread  (by Karasayl)  http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,58883.0.html


Kar started this list of things that really annoy us. We’re trying to hit 1001.



Children and weapons thread  (by  Torrie)  http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,59133.0.html


Torrie starts a very informative discussion on the seriousness of exactly when is the right time to allow children to handle weapons.



Warders! What’s the What?!? Thread  (by  Nynaeve) http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,59851.0.html


Nynaeve once again infiltrates the Warders Guild. This time she wants to know what are some of the many uses that Warders have for our color-changing cloaks, which she also points out, were made with a special ter’angreal in the WT.



The Adventures of Vanion at IRON MAIDEN!!  Thread  (By  Vanion) http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,59384.0.html


Vanion posts some awesome pictures of his recent excursion with friends to an Iron

Maiden concert. Senexx did not know Iron Maiden was still around. =)



The  Moat  Thread  (by ThorkinBarrimore) http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,58042.0.html


This thread has evolved all month long. I tried my hand at wooing the women and dunking people. Alannalynn was our resident spammer. We also meet a new novice in Egwene Aes Sedai. Bela and me have a long chat. Mashira Sedai also joins in. A little bit of everything goes down here. For the last month, Bursius has uncovered all of the Ajahs different names for their very own Moat monsters. He feeds them with baby eels and Minuet makes an appearance. I give a small baby monster to Egwene that she promptly names Gizmo. 



Reds!!! Come and get it! Thread  (by  Ireond) http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,57313.0.html


Ireond opens a window to get some fresh air and sets the table for all his Warders. We then get a chance in entertain the lovely ladies of the Red Ajah. Very revealing information is contained herein. *blushes* Elgee and Ireond have an interesting chat about animals this month.






Wonderful and informative as always!  :) I did miss the notable quotables, but Ire's interview was just as good.



Great job everyone!!!!!!




I hope so, too.  Just as good without them though.



Plus, we all know how people get taken away from the computer by RL. **Kicks RL**


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