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July's Exchange: BOOK SWAP!


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So, while I know we're most of the way through July, I thought this one might be fun. We have been trying to do a book swap for YEARS and never actually got one going. I'd like to change that (and maybe make this an ongoing thing?)!


Here's what I would like.


Option #1: The Real Book Swap- ongoing exchange

If you're interested in participating, create a list of books THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE AND ARE WILLING TO PART WITH and post it here. If someone's interested in one of your books, they let you know. You find something on their list that looks interesting and... YOU SWAP! You mail them the book they want, they mail you the book you want. Everyone gets a new book and all it cost was shipping. Even better, you can ship them media mail (well, they are books!) and it won't cost you as much!


Option #2: Traditional Exchange- July only

If you're interested, sign up here. You'll be paired with someone who will mail you a book! The delicious part of this is that you won't know what's coming and it's totally at the discretion of the person putting it in the mail! This is a great way to share addictions and to learn about the person on the other end of the mailing swap!



So, what appeals to you? Would you be more interested in Option 1 if it was more of a "lending library" than a permanent swap? Are you interested in either of these swaps? C'mon, you can tell me... *bats her eyelashes*



Maybe either way we go we should get to choose if we want a surprise or want to choose from a list? Because I could see myself doing both, but probably trying the random book first =)


I would love to make this continuous, but that depends on how many others are interested =)


I'm afraid I will be sitting out on all swaps for a little while.  Moving and changing addresses and such.  I'll update my info and jump back into things when we get settled and stuff. :)


I'd love to participate in this one.  Books are my favorite addiction!  But sadly I think it's just too hard to do at the moment.  The postage to and from Australia can be a bit of a bugger and we have a lot of stuff going on right now, financially.  I hope everyone enjoys their new reads!  We should start a thread where people talk about what they received and whether they liked/disliked it.  That way we can all get some new book ideas!  :)


[move]is not parting with her kindle*[/move]


lol that being said, I can mail out books but you can tell me what you would have sent and I'll buy the kindle version! ??


media mail?never heard of that?


lol, perhaps a lending library, then? There's not a whole lot of interest here so I'm open to try whatever you like. I'm open for ideas...


I think a lending library would be cool.  We'd have to keep that small, and limited to those in group.  I would suggest people get into no more than 1-2 trades at a time.  I know I read much more slowly than I used to. 

Guest BaLefireP

Darn, this would be so fun.

I only own a few books though, and most are WoT.




Same here.  :-\


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