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Hello all! Um... I'm Andrew, AlannaLynn's older brother by two years, making me 20. (I checked out her newbie post to get an idea of what to say.) I've been reading WoT LONG before her, and it was actually me who introduced her to the series. Took me three tries I think.  ::)


I TOLD YOU you'd like them. HA!


My favorite characters are Rand, Mat, Egwene, and Faile- though I am reading the entire series over again to catch myself up before I read the newest book in the series. I just can't bring myself to do it any other way. So my favorites are subject to change as I get to know them all once more.


Alanna just told me about this forum, or I probably would have been here earlier to check it out. Glad to be here now though.  :)


OMG Andrew, you like Faile? *sigh* And Egwene... there are a ton of Egwene haters on here, just to let you know.


Mat's my fav, so you're okay there.


*Gladly pimps her social groups: WT, Aiel, and BotRH*


I'm sorry I'm stubborn, have you met our parents?


Welcome to DM Alanna's brother (yes she is forcing us to say hi)


I hope you enjoy ur time surfing around.


Oh dear...Faile...


I am classing it as forced...


probably the first post outside of the Band and Games Discussion I have posted for quite along time :P


Hello Imperium!


And I'm /ALMOST/ sure I like Faile. I can't remember /why/, but I'm sure I have a reason. It'll come back to me as I read more. *shrugs*  ;D


Now how can people dislike Egwene though?


Well then, it's a good thing I got you out and about! Personally, I'm a big Fiddles person, that's where I get all my posts.


Edit: People call Egwene a "power monger" etc etc... I don't know the full truth but I'm sure there's a thread around here about it somewhere.


well i dont have huge posts on here because the band used to be offsite in the main.


almost....we talking u out of it already :P


Not talking me out of it. I'm sure I'll remember.


My like for Egwene right now though is based purely on the spoiler information about her I shamelessly wringed from a fellow WoT fan on a different forum and her actions in the book I have yet to read.


She apparently kicks... a word I won't use 'cause I haven't read the rules regarding language yet. And probably won't.  ;D


Oh- and because you posted as I was writing this: Thank you and Hello Winterwinds.


Yeah, Egwene's really great in tGS, but I shan't tell you any more. Enough that some haters have reformed but not the majority.


Ah... as to that, *points at the PG13 sign*


Hey Andrew. Welcome to DM. Glad to see that Alanna's older brother can join.


I am Dahmir, Yellow Brother of the Yellow Ajah and a sitter there too. I am also the chef there at the Sunflower Cafe we have over there so hop on over when you get the chance. You'll get bunch of wonderful goodies.


*gives Andrew lemon meringue pie and lemonade*


I hope you enjoy DM!  ;D


Wanted to formally welcome you Andrew ^_^

I hope you have fun here *pimps out her Social Groups: WT, BT, and SG*


Welcome to DM! :) I hope you enjoy your time here!


As for pimping out Social Groups, I will leave that to my fellow Banders so the boss can put his feet up on a table and enjoy a drink or two!  ;D


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