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Shielding Talent?


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Is there anyone playing at the moment with a shielding talent? You see, my Aes Sedai Lavinya has a shielding talent which she's only fairly recently discovered (timeline wise) and I want to RP some experimenting and flexing the talent. Not only from shielding others, but also comparing with someone else with the same talent. Obviously, said person would need to be able to RP with her at the tower. If no one has the talent, I'm open to experimenting on anyone who is game enough :D.


I haven't done a plot outline or sought approval or anything yet, I'm just garnering interest first!

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Right now, Geirrin is the only one with the Talent.  So you'll need to talk to Sieve.  I've thought about taking that talent with one of my Asha'man (Arath was built around the talent originally, but by the time he was raised none were available  >:( ), but so far I haven't gone after anything yet. 


Speaking of which, *shameless plug time* we've got all sorts of talents floating around.  If anyone wants them, submit an application for a talent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there anyone playing at the moment with a shielding talent? You see, my Aes Sedai Lavinya has a shielding talent which she's only fairly recently discovered (timeline wise) and I want to RP some experimenting and flexing the talent. Not only from shielding others, but also comparing with someone else with the same talent. Obviously, said person would need to be able to RP with her at the tower. If no one has the talent, I'm open to experimenting on anyone who is game enough :D.


I haven't done a plot outline or sought approval or anything yet, I'm just garnering interest first!


I guess you are in luck then since Geirrin is now bonded to Elgee's Larindhra and has reason to be in the Tower.  I spoke with Elgee a while back about practicing shielding with other Aes Sedai so this would be a perfect way for them to meet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not exactly been the most active of late .... at one time Linten had the dreaming talent .... not sure if that was taken away to give to someone else while I was away or not .... if it was let me know as most of his even remotely recent posts where based on him still having the talent.



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