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hey, everyone, it's me!


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Hi, all. I just finished tGS a few days ago and felt in serious need for some WoT community (this is what I get for being in grad school--too busy to read a book I'd been waiting years for until the academic year ended, ugh). As a lurker for many years over at wotmania, I elected not to repeat that over here. So here I am, and I say: hey.


My WoT pieties:

--Nothing Lan or Min could do would ever be truly wrong.


--I don't mind repetition that establishes character traits--Nynaeve tugs her braid/Rand, Mat, and Perrin think the others are better with women, etc.--but seriously, the weather? is screwed up. I seriously get it before it's mentioned fifty times per book. Aes Sedai achieve an ageless look.


----Repetition Caveat: I'm really over Rand's unbelievably redundant thing about killing women, but that's the part of me that doesn't believe that women's and men's lives have different levels of value.

----Repetition Caveat 2, feminism edition: Relatedly, I didn't have much sympathy for the women of this series when I first started reading this book at age 12--because RJ clearly does think men and women are essentially different, and actually the whole world of the WoT is predicated on that essential difference--but I've really come around for a lot of them. Although, of course, never Faile, Alanna, Cadsuane, or most of the rank-and-file Aes Sedai.


--think Tel'aran'rhiod's the scariest idea ever.


--Seriously can't stomach the Seanchan's social and political culture, even if they do "make the trains run on time" or whatever the Randland equivalent is. Would really like all of them, including Tuon, to get tossed out double-quick or else dig deep to make changes.


--am very eagerly awaiting someone finding the Song and Singing it.


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