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AH HAH! the feathered cap returns!

Maglin josVinn

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i know. i used the title before.



but seriously, from a very long hiatus, Maglin jos'Vinn, legendary Captain general of the scouts from the band of the red hand, DM 5.0 years, has returned! .... to ah... uhm. do something. *shrugs* *mutters* *wanders off*



apparently i'm supposed to talk to someone. not sure who. wave if you're him. haha.

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ah, but kind lady!

your influence is indirect

i must say

the truth is easy to dissect

and fair it to comment

i'd rather not starve my eyes

for another moment,

no compromise

or person sacrosanct

to keep me from gazing upon the smile of yours,

the same one that has me mesmorized.


*sweeps his cap from his head with a bow*


... *grins* you may have lost your touch beautiful lady, but Maglin's caress with words is in fact as immortal as his dream! *holds his hand out* assuming these gentlemen and ladies allow me to do so, perhaps i can help you find it again?

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Who else is coming back? Thus far its Owan, Drea, Shep, and you, Maglin. Who else, I ask?


*tosses Mag a Bandweiser*


Welcome back, man!


*starts up Thin Lizzy's "The Boys are Back in Town"*




Band DJ

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Mags... you silly ol' bear. She doesn't need a FULL bio since you're coming back... heck, I haven't even sent one in yet. (Kael said I didn't have to 'cus I can't find it) :S (and I'm too lazy to rewrite one) So just... summarize it... and then update it as to where he's been the past year or so. :D

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