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Channeling Sickness


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Sorry if this has been discussed to death already, or if it's super obvious in the books and I just missed it my first time through. I'm starting on my second reading of the series, and I just came across this passage in chapter 21 of Eye of the World, when Moiraine is telling Nynaeve she can channel:


"Those were only reactions," Moiraine said patiently. "Each time, the reaction comes closer to the actual touching of the Source, until the two happen almost together. After that there are no more reactions that can be seen, but it is as if a clock has begun ticking. A year. Two years. I know one woman who lasted five years. Of four who have the inborn ability that you and Egwene have, three die if we do not find them and train them. It is not as horrible a death as the men die, but neither is it pretty, if any death can be called so. Convulsions. Screaming. It takes days, and once it begins, there is nothing that can be done to stop it, not by all the Aes Sedai in Tar Valon together."


Am I crazy, or do the reactions Rand is currently having to seizing Saidin seem like they could very well be the male version of this? He initially learned to channel all by himself.  Or does it not apply in his case, because he had teachers early enough in his development?

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Do you mean currently as in at the end of TGS? No they are not the same. Rand went through those already. Remember when he was up on top of the mast when he, Thom and Mat were sailing downriver with Bayle? That was the result of when he touched the source to cause the boom to swing round and knock the trolloc off the ship. That's just the second time he channels.

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If you mean Rand's channeling in TEotW and it correlating to what Moiraine tells Nynaeve, then yes. It's the male equivalent, or really what happens to every channeler. You're supposed to read what Moiraine says to Nynaeve and correlate that with what Rand is currently going through at Barelon and on The Spray, and later with Mat on the way to Caemlyn, and finally right after the battle at the Eye.

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Rand's sickness, i n my opinion, has to do with the fact that he is holding alot more of the power than a normal human ever good without linking or using an angreal.  I beleive that it's just a side affect of him becoming powerful enough t face the Dark One. 

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