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Feast of Fools: Pick an "Amyrlin for a Week!"


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Uh sorry but MoN comes before the ajah heads. ;D


*embraces the source just in case she might need it*

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Feeling the disturbance Talmanes dashes in, and starts toward the dungeons,fighting off Ed's minions with his sword along the way. Ed had gone mad with power,and he had to stop him from holding Charis and Adella hostage.


Finally reaching the dungeons, he breaks them out and hurriedly escapes through a conveniently placed gateway.


Hearing her beloved coming for her, Charis embraced the Source. Just before Talmanes whisked her and her sister away, Charis opened a gateway behind Ed and wrapped a shield around him before he could react.


*giggles* Wow, mine goes mad with power and imprisons me, and CHARIS' comes and rescues me! Tal, I think you are my new favorite :D


OH, not THAT kind of favorite Charis love! Like "you're my favorite of the guys I am connected to through my sisters"... Meaning he beats Al Jenn and Pete :D


*laughs as Charis' Gateway opens into a new cell*


I am glad I placed that Ter'angreal in here to redriect Gateways.

*clicks a button on a Ter'angreal that was in his pocket after aiming it at Charis and laughs as it shields her*


*Brings in 12 Green Sisters and shields and stills the MoN and Keeper*


It was fun having you as the MoN and Keeper while it lasted.


I have a Twoer to help take over. See you around...if I ever visit. >:D

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*walks in adjusting his pink skirt and some stole-type thing*


Let me tell you about my weekend.  I got kidnapped, stuffing in a small sack, and then dressed up in this crazy outfit and then brought here!  What in the Creator is going on here?  Waaiiiit....I'm the what?  The Amyrlin?  Me?


Awwww riiiiight.  In that case, I have a few pronouncements to make.  In a separate thread of course.....my awesome cannot be contained here.


*walks out nearly tripping on his skirt*

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Btw, I love your sig.  Goth chicks are.....mmmmmhmmmmm.....awesome.  Did I say that out loud?  Who are you people?!

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hehehe...Soul-less. I like. >:D



I sent her back to her ewok world.....:P


Or so you thought....


You are obviously mafia.  [glow=red,2,300]Ed[/glow]


*pokes Ed* stop god modding and let us out. This is supposed to be fun for everyone, not "Ed is never going to get bonded" week.


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