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last letter = first letter (word game)


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Well, I guess I can understand that.  My mom had never seen snow for herself till she moved out here to Iowa with my dad and me and my soon-to-be-born brother.  She grew up in southern California.


We get ice storms sometimes, too.  The trees and grass look gorgeous afterward, but a lot of damage is done in ice storms.  Power can go out, trees can crack and split and leave huge branches all over the road...

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another 't'...



We were gonna go to the mountains a few years back..but my mom got scared...but now, if we try to go without her, we are being mean...so w/e...I'll have to wait...

Cool, hope you brother is healthy...


So, you live in the Borderlands...where it is cold enough for trees to split?

And you get continual Trolloc raids?



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:D Oh, no, my parents moved out here to Iowa years ago.  I was a year old when we moved.  My brother is now 17, and there are 5 more siblings that have come since. :D  The youngest one turns 4 in January. :)  Sorry for not being very clear. >.<


Well, it's not THAT cold, and the trees don't split in that way, no.  Not that I've seen, anyway.  If by "trolloc raids" you mean WAY TOO MANY DEER ON THE ROADS, then yeah. ;)

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You lost the game.


Not to mention, no one with a shred of a brain would "accidentally-on-purpose" hit a deer.  They do a lot of damage, even to the sturdier or larger vehicles.


People who live in Iowa know that when deer population is high, driving carefully is important.  Deer are dangerous.

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did I say to hit it with  car? no silly...

u hit it with a bullet...

Okay, seriously, no need to be patronizing.  You said:


just "hit" it "accidently"...

then volunteer to take it home and get it off the road....

Last I checked, most people don't go hunting or carrying a gun around right by the road.  They go into the woods for that kind of thing.  Don't know how I could've known you meant "accidentally-on-purpose shoot it" when you said "get it off the road" later.

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Sorry to be blunt, but you have been irritating the heck out of me nonstop for as long as you've been around.


Not having any sort of experience in my life that would've led me to think anything other than what I did is not a "problem," nor is it "assumption."  It is just the way things are.  I can't help it if my brain didn't know that you could've meant anything other than what I thought you meant.

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