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A new start (Mehrin)


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Dashiva looked down slightly as he saw movement, and saw the young girl he'd just brought back to the Citadel.


"I'm Arya Daenerys Somtaaw," he frowned slightly as he heard the name, wondering why she was claiming his name.


"I.." she turned and looked back for a moment before looking back at him. "They say your Dashiva Somtaaw, thats the name my mother named my father by" she got faster as she went on, and then stopped biting her lip.


Dashiva slowly dropped back into his chair, looking at this Arya and completely forgot about Mehrin standing there. His mind flashed back over the years trying to figure things out. "I am Dashiva Somtaaw yes," he said after a moment trying to buy more time to think.


He pushed saidin away, and scrubbed his face, before it felt like he'd been hit by lightning in training again. "Your mother...was she a merchant?" he asked, forcing his throat and mouth to work.

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"I am Dashiva Somtaaw yes," Aryas heart thundered nervously the man had droped back in his chair, and where now scrubing his face, she thougth the quietness felt pressing and like it went on forever even if it where only moments till he spoke again. "Your mother...was she a merchant?" Arya nodded. Her mother never told her to much of their story she had no idea wheter she had ment something to this man. But in case he had the rigth she figured to know what had happened. "Tamsanne is dead, she was killed this spring.." She waited to see how he reacted, afterall for all her knowledge they hadnt had any contact and she was 10 so whatever had happened lay in the past, though what she had once ment to him was another thing, and if nothing, well then what would he think of her. That was what made her truly nervous she didnt know yet what he made of her, he didnt seem angry, but it was hard to say if he liked the news even so.

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"Tamsanne is dead, she was killed this spring.."


Searching his brain, Dashiva was pretty sure the merchant he'd met on the road south of Fal Dara was Tamsanne.


Shaking his head sadly, he looked down at his desk. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said softly.


Looking up, he pushed away the urge to go back to the taverns's. "I don't know what else to say, but I truly am sorry."

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"I'm sorry to hear that," Arya looked up. "I don't know what else to say, but I truly am sorry." She nodded and pushed the bad memories to the back of her mind shuting out the screams, she was sure they would come back in the nigth but now it was day.


She was unsure what to say, or where to go next and descided on telling him about her work to reasure she wouldnt be in the way and would manage, she didnt want to intrude if that was what he thougth. After all she was a capable of handeling herself the summer had shown so, "I got a job, I'll be working in the stables" she looked back at Mehrin making sure he was still there.

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Dashiva nodded. "working in the stables are you? Watch out for some of the calvary's warhorse's, some are less friendly than most."


Shrugging slightly, he looked at Arya and then at Mehrin. He was still stunned, and it was hard to know what he should be doing.

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Arya nodded it was some of the same Mehrin had said in one way. "I'll be working with the scouts horses in the begining and have my own, animals likes me." she smiled insecurly a litle lost of what to do next. He hadnt given her any hints, and she didnt know what else to say. "Mehrin offered to show me around the citadel." she waited, this wasnt how she had imagined things to happen, it felt weird and he wasnt how she imagined then again he hadnt even known about her, maybe he didnt want kids. Arya bit her lip, well she got a job and she was sure she could sleep in the hay such save her money and manage just fine. It wasnt that she wanted from her, she only wanted him to be proud of her, maybe if she proved that she wasnt just a litle girl it would happen with time, she had time enough she wasnt going anywhere as it was cause she had no where to go.

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Mehrin watched the exchange without saying a word. Dash was quite proficient at hiding his emotions if he did not want anyone to see what he was feeling, but Mehrin could guess. Amazment. Shock. Dumbfoundedness. No one could stand a mental blow like this. Mehrin's only positive thought was that it had at least not been him. I should probably give the man a chance to gather his wits again, he thought.


"Dash, if you don't mind, I'm going to show A.D. the Citadel and give her a chance to learn where things are." Walking over to the desk, Mehrin added quietly, "If you need time, I recommend that you take it; this can't be easy. I'll keep her occupied for awhile so you can regather your thoughts."


Returning his attention to A.D., Mehrin said, "You ready to see this place?"

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"Dash, if you don't mind, I'm going to show A.D. the Citadel and give her a chance to learn where things are."


Dashiva blinked, and suddenly remembered that Mehrin had been here and he'd lost most awareness of his surroundings. Nodding slightly, he leaned back in his chair and wiped his hands over his face.


"If you need time, I recommend that you take it; this can't be easy. I'll keep her occupied for awhile so you can regather your thoughts." Nodding again, Dashiva glanced at the drawer holding a bottle of a strong brandy. Normally he never touched the stuff, but it suddenly held a lot of appeal.


Hearing his door close, he glanced up but it was only Mehrin closing it behind him. Looking around by reflex for any assassins that might have slipped in, he opened the drawer and pulled out the brandy.


Setting it on his desk, he brought out a glass and took a moment to decide if this was really what he should be doing. Thinking a moment, he cracked the seal and quickly poured a few fingers of brandy and gulped it down. Pouring another little bit, he moved the glass back, and sealed the bottle with saidin before putting it away.


Feeling the warmth in his gut, he leaned back and rubbed his face again. Taking a sip from the cup, he set it down and shook his head. He was stunned that he had a daughter, and amazed she'd survived on her own. He felt some pride in her, and angry with himself for not having realised something like this might have happened before now.


Taking another sip of brandy, he shook his head again. "take things slow...she may be my daughter but we don't know each other. I can't just make up for years in a day," he muttered to himself before laying his head on his desk.

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"Dash, if you don't mind, I'm going to show A.D. the Citadel and give her a chance to learn where things are." Arya looked at the man who was her father, then Mehrin went forward and she couldnt hear the next part of what was said. Then Mehrin returned and held up the door for her, outside she drew in the fresh summer air.


Arya was relived, it migth not have been all she had dreamt of but now she where done with it and at least he hadnt been angry. She followed happily and soon was ocupied with paying attention to what Mehrin was telling her, trying to put everything on storage in her mind. As they walked Arya felt more and more excited, it was almost like a story in a book, she smiled, this would be her home now and she would be a soldier.


She looked on the faces they passed and started guessing at who they where as they walked through the streets, there where so many, she wondered if all where belonging to the band. After a while thoug she could hear her stumock growel, and she remembered silver arrow, the mare would be outside the office of Mehrin, she probably would enjoy some water in this hear. Turning to Mehrin she asked, "my horse is there anywhere i can put it out of the heat and give it some water" she would take care of the mare before she found herself something to eat, it was the rigth thing to do as her mother always had lectured her.

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Racelle strode gayly through the citadel, watching the mild bustle of the place. There was little reason for her good mood, but she was enjoying herself this morning. It was near afternoon now, and she was bound for Dashiva's office to ask him if he would share an afternoon meal with her. On a normal day she waited for the evenings with him, but she had failed to wake when he left her that morning.


Her thoughts on what she would say to explain her visit she failed to knock as she entered, but to her good fortune she found him alone. He looked up at her quizically and she bit her lip nervously. "Im sorry to barge in. I should have knocked... Are you busy?"


ooc: lol, this is fun *big grin* im just assuming i can jump in here yall :p

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Dashiva's head leapt off his desk, blinking away the the blurring of the brandy to see Racelle entering his office.


"Im sorry to barge in. I should have knocked... Are you busy?"


Shaking his head, Dashiva smiled slightly and gestured to one of the chairs in front of him. "Not busy with work, just thoughts of a new discovery."


Getting up, he paced back and forth behind his desk a little, before dropping heavily back into his chair. He might as well tell Racelle himself, and it was better this way.


"I just found out I have a daughter, who is now in the Band," he said flatly. "Her mother has been dead for a year, and she somehow made her way here to the Band. I'm just putting myself back together right now after that little stunner."


Folding his arms, he decided he'd spend time with his daughter, try to get to know her a little. He couldn't replace the time he'd spent in the Black Tower, nor would he consider bringing her there. He couldn't give her past back, but he could at least try being a part of her future if she wanted him.

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She's been taught well, Mehrin thought. If AD cared for the Scouts' horses half as much as she cared about her own- which was quite a bit, if Mehrin's guess was correct- there would be several happy Scouts. "We can do that. It give me a chance to show you where you'll be working, as well."


Backtracking to the office, Mehrin allowed AD to take the reins of her horse; horses didn't seem to like Mehrin all that much. There wasn't a whole lot to see between the office and the designated Scout area, though Mehrin did point out the basework of a tower that was being erected in the corner.


As usual, the stables were in a state of organized chaos. Scouts arriving and leaving made all those in the path dodge to one side or the other. An inquiry addressed to the officer on duty pointed the duo in the direction of an empty stall towards the center of the stables; despite the large number of scouts and horses, the stables weren't quite half-full yet. "I'll let you get your horse settled in before we continue the tour, AD," Mehrin said as he turned to speak to the officer in charge again.


"This is AD. She's going to be working in here from now on. If anything happens to her, the man or woman in charge will report to me immediately." Mehrin paused to let what he said sink in. "Burial of said person will take place immediately thereafter."

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They went back to the office building and Arya took the reins of Silver Arrow pating the mares mule comforting. She then followed Mehrin and they ended up in the stables, "I'll let you get your horse settled in before we continue the tour, AD,"


She nodded and chose an empty box, the mare wasnt usualy used to stand in boxes and in the months since her mother had died had hardly stood indoor at all. But it seemed there where many avaliable boxes and Mehrin hadnt said anything about where to put the horse so Arya picked the box as it would be the bether alternative. She smiled as she took of the gear and started brushing down the mare, the boxes where built to host bigger types of horses, Silver Arrow would have a trill with all the place she had goten. Done brushing her down Arya want outside and filled up a bucket of water that she placed in the corner of the box. Hanging the sadle and reins on a railing on one of the boxes walls she went outside with the sadlebags over her shoulder.


Her eyes now took the time to take in the other horses in the stable, all nice animals well tended and fed from what she could see, the type of horses the inns she had worked on wouldnt allow her close to. She smiled, she had a feeling she would like this work.


Arya walked over to Mehrin again and nodded in signal that she was done. She could hear her stumock growl just then.

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"Food, eh?" Mehrin said with a smile on his face. Light, if I have to keep up with this watching my language thing for much longer, I'm going to scream! As he led AD out of the stables and towards the business portion of the Citadel, Mehrin added, "Just as a warning, there are times that its almost better to starve to death than eat what they feed us here."


There was not a whole lot to see between the stables and the mess halls. Mehrin tried to point out anything interesting that he could, but on the wide street separating the pastures from the city the only thing of interest came in the form of a pair of Ogier masons on their way to the main tower. An interesting sight, to be sure, but after the fifth or sixth pair Mehrin had seen all he needed to see.


Of course, the line at the mess hall was rather long, but Mehrin had long ago discovered some tricks that came with the job position. A few quick orders to the right people found him and AD inside in no time. For once, it seemed that the food was edible, as well. Wow, things are looking up!

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"Food, eh?" Arya nodded, then followed as they walked out of the stables through the streets. She paid attnetion to what Mehrin said so she could find her way untill she saw two big creatures which Mehrin explained was ogier, after that her attention was gone with the wind. She had thougth they where but fairytales, and now she had seen no less the two of them. They where so big to, even more so then Mehrin and her father.


Then she found that they had arived at the mess, but when she saw the line she had a sinking feeling, would they ever get in. She was relived when Mehrin fixed it so they got to jump ahead of the line and came inside where she hapilly accepted the stew they where serving, her tummy growling loudly.


They setled at a table and Arya was soon lost in scoping up stew with her bread.

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Miria smiled to herself as she neared the head of the line, the promise of a meal now not far away. It had taken many a smile and a lot of sweet talking to jump so far ahead of the queue, and she couldn't help but be proud that some of her old skills were still holding up. Until someone decided to pull rank and push in front of her, that was. Had it been anyone else, she would likely have given them some good natured cheek, but it was the Commander, after all. Some sense of respect had to be maintained. Besides, she hadn't had much to do with him, and didn't know how he would react to her good natured teasing.


It took her a moment to realise the young girl in front of her was also with Mehrin, causing a whole host of unanswered questions. Who was she? And why was she at the citadel at all, let alone shadowing the commander? Curiosity got the better of her, so grabbing her own meal after the pair, she followed them, sitting herself at their table and offering Mehrin a bright smile, before turning to the girl.


"Looks like a scout in the making to me." Said Miria brightly, before offering the girl her hand to shake. "My name is Miria, and I'm a scout. I haven't seen you around here before, what's your name?" She asked kindly, shooting Mehrin another curious glance before looking back to the girl at her side and tucking into her own meal.



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After an exhausting race around the Citadel gathering her new supplies, buiying clothes from a seamstress as well as ordering a new uniform, badges and pins and finding an empty room to call her own, Drea managed to find time for a bath and a nap. She was hardly rested when her stomach woke her, but she decided to get food anyway. Sleep would come more naturally after a large meal.


Searching through her new clothes- new! Drea hadn't had new clothes since she was 16- she was glad her uniform wouldn't be ready for a few days. She spent the past year wearing only one thing, and it was about time she'd gotten out. Drea chose a dark green pant, navy tunic and green belt over the tunic. She slipped on a pair of black boots and slid her daggers into her belt. Then, thinking twice, removed the daggers and hid them behind some of her clothes. She knew she was safe here, but that didn't mean she had to trust every body.


Leaving her still-damp hair down to air dry in black waves, she set off toward the mess hall.


Figures, she arrives just intime for the entire city to decide to eat as well. Shrugging to herself, she got in line and waited her turn. Drea smiled every now and then in embarassment as her stomach groweled loud enough for those around to turn and give strange looks. There was no one she recognized in sight, but then again, she didn't look herself either in civilian clothes. At last it was her turn to get food. Not knowing- or caring at this point- what anything was, Drea took a bit of everything and piled it onto her plate. Once out of the line, Drea spotted Mehrin and a few others. She walked over and sat down, plate over loaded with food. "Mind if I sit?" she asked.

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While Arya was eating a woman apeared on their table siting down and greeing Mehrin. "Looks like a scout in the making to me." the woman offered a friendly smile as she stuck her hand forward for a shake. Arya put down her fork and took the hand chewing the food quickly and swallowing while the women introduced herself. "My name is Miria, and I'm a scout. I haven't seen you around here before, what's your name?"


Arya smiled, another woman, this wouldnt be so bad, she wasnt sure what she wanted to do but maybe this woman would tell her more of these scouts. "I'm A.D., I just arived today and will be working with the horses." she said happily.


Arya just finished her meal and picked up the aple she had taken to have for desert when yet another woman apeared. She looked to Mehrin,

"Mind if I sit?" she asked. Arya waited till she was seated before extending her hand. "I'm A.D."


This all looked to be as a dream, she would work with the horses and no doubt she would be allowed in time to progress into the ranks if other women had, it was a relif for her to see. Oh she would make her father proud for sure, she smiled to herself as she dug her teaths into her aple.

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Drea had to take a second look when the small girl introduced herself. She hadn't even seen her sitting next to Mehri, so small and fragile. Shwa was what, 9, 10 maybe? What was a ten year old doing in the band? No, Drea, do not judge. You planned on keeping Mateo with you, and there was a medic with a young child as well. Drea smiled politely. "Hello, AD. My name is Drea. What brings you to the Citadel?"

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It didn't take too long for the table to become a bit more populated, starting with a woman that Mehrin had seen around, but never met. She seemed to spend a lot of her time with the Kedyn, the scout. "Looks like a scout in the making to me. My name is Miria, and I'm a scout. I haven't seen you around here before, what's your name?"


AD introduced herself to the woman, after which Mehrin said, "I'm Mehrin. You probably already knew that, but since everyone is meeting everyone else..." Any further conversation was cut short by another arrival.


"Mind if I sit?" In a new civilian outfit and a scrub, Xandrea Raylin looked like a completely different person, one that didn't look as if she had been dragged for miles from the back of a horse. Gesturing to one of the open spots at the table, Mehrin answered, "Go right ahead, there's are plenty of open spots."


Drea- Mehrin thought that he recalled hearing some people call her that- managed to sit down before AD made her presence known. "I'm AD," she piped up, offering her hand to the woman.


The surprise on Drea's face when she noticed the child was enough to make Mehrin put a hand over his mouth. He doubted that she would have appreciated his laughter. Regaining her composure didn't take long, and she replied, "Hello, AD. My name is Drea. What brings you to the Citadel."


Mehrin answered for her: "She's working in the Scouts' stables, so she'll probably be taking care of any horses that you end up keeping there." Common sense seemed to dictate not going into too much detail as to AD's presence unless Dash wanted it so.

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