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A new start (Mehrin)


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The mare could surely feel Arya beeing nervous, but she kept a firm hand on the reins as she walked, there would still be a good half hours walk before she closed on the gates. She had walked for about 5 minuites when she heard a rusle in the leaves to the oposite side of her, jumpy she tugged the reins and made to jump the sadle. Thoug as she came up with one foot in her stir up to look down on the other side she saw a man clad in black already having a grip on the mares bridle.


Slowly she turned over in the sadle thoug and put her foot in the other stir up. Surely this close to a citadel she should be safe, or so she hoped, she wouldnt leave the mare behind, she had been her faithfull companion for years maybe she could ride away if she got the chanse, she just needed to be patient and evaluate the situation, seemingly the man was alone.

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Dashiva moved through the woods, practicing some of his silent movement techniques to try getting back into shape.


He froze as he heard the distinct noise of a horse walking, and slowly dropped into a crouch before moving closer to the path.


He saw a very young woman walking alongside a horse, and carefully looked around before reaching out for saidin. Making a small noise weave on the other side of the path, he triggered it and darted forwards to grab the horse' bridle, as the young girl he noted tried to mount.


After a moment of just looking at her, he looked around for anyone who might be hiding just off the path and released saidin and the Void.


"And just what is a young woman like you riding around these parts," he asked softly.

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The man seemed to look for someone else and when he didnt see anyone he looked back up at her. "And just what is a young woman like you riding around these parts," His voice was soft, but she wouldnt be fooled by it. Besides she didnt like beeing treated like a child, she was 10 and had survived the summer on her own.


Fire in her eyes showing defidiance she answered back with a steady voice trying to sound as grown up as posibly, "I'm going on my way to the citadel" she tried to make it sound like the most natural thing in the world, maybe the stranger would belive she lived there and would find someone else to prey on if he thougth she belonged there and migth have parents up there. Her experinece from the road was few belived a stray kid to have a horse and such most often they would easily enough be led to belive she had parents in the close sorounding, such leave her alone.


"And what are your buisniss here?" Maybe the band would apriciate some information and would as such be more likely to let her stay. She could but hope, as she looked down on him in a precocious fasion.

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"I'm going on my way to the citadel. And what are your buisniss here?"


Dashiva's mouth twitched, and he didn't answer right away to keep a straight face. "I work for the Band," he said after a moment, when he was sure his face said what he wanted it to. Only Covai might have noticed the slip, or maybe Racelle, but this girl sure wouldn't have noticed.


"I'll bring you to the Citadel if you still desire to go there," he added after a moment.

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"I work for the Band," Arya looked at the man, his suit didnt look like any soldier suit she had seen and didnt the band wear red, she had thougth so since they where named the band of the red hand as she had learned on her jounrey there. "I'll bring you to the Citadel if you still desire to go there," Arya nodded, the road lead straigth there, and he did wear a weapon.


"Yes, I would like to go Sir." she tried to mend her first impresion, she hoped she hadnt angered the man and ruined her chanses. She tried to chew on how best to apologise without loosing her face, but did soldiers apologise, she felt a litle unsure all of a suden.

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"Yes, I would like to go Sir." Dash nodded and turned in the general direction of the Citadel.


The gate was only a few miles down the road, and he hadn't truly exercised today. Keeping a light grip on the horse's bridle, he guided the horse into a walk which quickly turned into a good jog for him and trotting for the horse.


After just a few minutes, he felt something was missing, and it took him a minute to realise he was missing his big plate armor. It had been too long since he had jogged next to a horse, but his training regimen at the Tower hadn't left him unfit.


When he got closer to the gate, he made subtle handsigns to the scouts and archers that were on the road and slowed as the main gate came into view. Nodding at a nearby sergeant, he waved the woman over. "Another one for Mehrin sergeant," he told her, letting go of the bridle.


Turning he started walking towards the area of the Citadel which held most of the taverns, for an ale or two before he went to his office.

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The man started leading the mare towards the gate and Arya never found the words to apologise instead she looked at the citadel which was closing in at them, faster as he spead the horse up into a trot joging besid it. Seemingly the man was in a hurry but at least he must have told the truth by the look of it.


Then they where there, "Another one for Mehrin sergeant," Arya was relived to see that the guard he talked to was a woman, at least then she wouldnt be turned down for beeing the wrong gender. The man let go of the bridle and walked away in a difrent direction, while Arya turned expectedly to the woman for futher instructions or information.


The woman explained the way to the office of this Mehrin. Following the instructions she guided her mare through the citadel untill she found herself outside the building she figured would be rigth. Jumping down she tied the mare to the railing of the stair and walked up, she could feel the buterflys in her stumoc but tried to keep her face calm as she knocked the door and waited for an answer.

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The sudden knock startled Mehrin, causing him to blot the signature he was finishing into illegibility. With a stifled curse, he called out, "Come in!" The door opened, admitting the officer on duty, a lieutenant whose name Mehrin could not remember. Coming in after him was... a girl?! Shaking his head, Mehrin looked at his flask sitting on the corner of his desk; it hadn't been opened yet. "Umm... can I help you?" he asked, addressing his question to the lieutenant.


"Somtaaw just brought her in," the man replied, an emotion flashing across his face. Surprise? This isn't going to be good, I can tell...


A few seconds went by where nobody spoke. Finally, Mehrin broke the silence by saying, "And...?"


The rest came out in a rush: "She's wishes to join the ranks, Commander."


Mehrin couldn't have been more stunned if somebody had hit him between the eyes with a forge hammer. For a few moments his mouth worked wordlessly. How was he to... what was he supposed to... Ah, what the hell? Mehrin shifted his attention from the officer to the child. Seated as he was, her eyes were at a level with his, with black hair and brown eyes. Her face, though young, showed something of a maturity that she shouldn't have had, as if she had had to deal with things that no child should have to deal with. "Hello. My name is Mehrin Deathwatch, and I command the Band. What's your name?"



OOC: Congratulations, Ata, you have succeeded in making a character to which I have no idea how to react.

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Someone opened the door asking what she wanted when she explained and described the persons she met he nodded and lead her on to another door. "Come in!" The man opened the door and Arya followed him in. There was a man siting behind a desk which shaked his head as he saw her, Aryas stumoc clenched she had a feeling this didnt bode well. "Umm... can I help you?" She waited quietly. "Somtaaw just brought her in,"


Arya felt like a bucket of ice water where poured over her head runing down her spine. That man, no it couldnt be, but what if, she barely heard the next part of the conversation. "And...?" Her face turned towards the door looking back in the direction she had come for, it wasnt posible, however the man had had a top knot and she remebered now that her mother had said shienarans did. "She's wishes to join the ranks, Commander." Her brain was working furiously, her heart was pounding so loud it was druming in her ears and she felt hot.


"Hello. My name is Mehrin Deathwatch, and I command the Band. What's your name?" Arya sudenly noticed it was silent in the room and tried to remember what was last said. "Ah ..I'm A.D., I.." she felt at loss for words.

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Ah, blood and bloody ashes! Was it something I said? The child, A.D., seemed upset or nervous about something, her introduction trailing off after giving her name. Or maybe her initials; Mehrin was not sure. Still, something that had been said was making her jittery.


Mehrin had no problem with children; he actually liked them, as long as they went home with their parents at the end of the day. He didn't know how to deal with them, or how to talk to them. Well, I guess its time to learn, isn't it? Meeting the child's eyes, Mehrin quietly asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

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"Did I say something wrong?" Arya looked up and something snapped in her, having been alone and always on the guard for months now since her mother where killed leaving her all alone in the world. The next word was but a whisper "Somtaaw", she knew it wouldnt make much sence for the others and cleared her troath. Speaking again she tried to steady her voice, "Is he..is he from Shienar" she needed to know, if he was maybe he was some relative maybe he knew her father and could tell where he where.


Somehow she knew she needed to say more to just get it all of her chest, if they wouldnt accept her it didnt mather if she could find her father she was sure he would teach her, he had been a soldier afterall.


Sighing she started over again, "I'm sorry its just, I'm born a bastard, my mother however told me the name of my father, she is dead now thoug..." Aryas voice sadened and stoped a litle on that, it still hurt to think on it and she still woke sometimes at nigth hearing her mothers screams. "..he was a Shienaran soldier named Dashiva Somtaaw, maybe if your Somtaaw is from Shienar he is related and would know where my father is" her voice was eager and her eyes hopefull in the end as she looked up on the man called Meherin. She bit her lip waiting for the answer.

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It was all that Mehrin could do not to stare. This girl was Dashiva's daughter? The very idea was amazing... and disturbing. This fas the first time, in Mehrin's knowledge, that a child had come to the Band in search of a relative. And to have met the person she sought, and not known it!


Despite his earlier hesitance because of the girl's age, Mehrin reached for the flask on his desk, unscrewed the cap, and took a drink. He was going to need it for this next task. Taking several deep breaths, Mehrin steeled himself before finally speaking. "Ummm... A.D., I have some news for you. Your father is alive, and he his here. As a matter of fact, he's the one that brought you into the Citadel." There. He'd said it, and he felt like he needed another drink.

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Arya looked as the man took himself a drink wondering if she had said something wrong to test his patient. Finaly the man started talking and Arya waited patiently hoping but really expeciting a negative answer, she was used to let downs by now. "Ummm... A.D., I have some news for you. Your father is alive, and he his here. As a matter of fact, he's the one that brought you into the Citadel."


Aryas jaw droped then she shut it with a clench as she notised what she was doing, she was in shock it almost felt like the world was spining for her. She looked towards the door, "But.." bewildered she looked back to the man, was this some kind of jape, no he seemed serious, that man in black, she tried to remember his face bether, "I..how.." sudenly she felt scared, surely they would now take her to him.


It was just she didnt know what she would say to him and he had seemed somewhat stern not like she had imagined. He was huge too and what if he didnt want her or belived her a liar, what if he got mad instead. So many thougths raced through her head and she felt her stumock tie into knots, her eyes pendeling back and forth from Meherin to the door.

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"But... I... How..." Mehrin winced mentally. Tact had never been one of his strong points, and he thought that he had just proven that. The girl was in obvious shock, her head swinging between Mehrin and the door, her mouth working wordlessly. You flaming idiot! You could have been a bit more subtle than that! he thought angrily. No. Not anger. Calm. He didn't want to make this situation any more awkward than it already was. As if that's possible.


Standing, Mehrin turned to the hatrack behind his desk and strapped on his claymore before donning his trademark black cloak and wide-brimmed leather hat. As he turned to the child, he realized what he had done. A man of Mehrin's size and build and dressed in black leather picking up a big sword and now towering over the child. Idiot! As slowly as he could manage, Mehrin crouched to bring his height closer to that of the girl's. "Sorry about that. Would you like me to bring you to your father?"

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Arya hardly noticed the man geting up it wasnt untill he where infront of her croutching she managed to compose herself somewhat. "Sorry about that. Would you like me to bring you to your father?" Sudenly she felt unsure, she had always had a picture of her father in her head that he would be proud of her, that she had seen of other fathers with their daugthers in the markets, she had forgoten he was a soldier. What would he want with someone like her, she heard a doubtfull voice ask in her head, yet she found herself nodding. Then she looked up, "will I be allowed to stay here? can I join" she sudnely asked as she remembered why she had come, if nothing else she would have a place she where safe and she would learn. "I know horses well and can work in the stables, animals seems to like me, I promise to be good and I really wanna learn" She looked on the man, that was the speach she had prepared, she knew she was young but she could help out and then learn as she grew so that one day she would be a soldier too, and then she would protect peoples who couldnt protect themself like her mother, so they didnt have to die.

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Mehrin smiled as A.D. pleaded to stay. Of course, why didn't I think of the bloody stables? We always need more stablehands. Putting a look of mock seriousness on his face, Mehrin said, "The stables, you say? Hmm... I think we may be able to work something out. You'll start tomorrow with the Scouts' horses, for now. Maybe we'll move you up to the Cavalry, but they are rather picky as to who touches their animals."


The lieutenant cleared his throat at that comment. Mehrin glanced at his uniform. Cavalry. Smiling, Mehrin continued. "How does five silver marks a week sound to you, A.D?"

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"The stables, you say? Hmm... I think we may be able to work something out. You'll start tomorrow with the Scouts' horses, for now. Maybe we'll move you up to the Cavalry, but they are rather picky as to who touches their animals." Arya smiled happily, she had a home and would be working with animals. This was great, she heard a caugh from the other man whom she had forgoten was there, she saw Mehrin and understood there was something she missed in the passing.


"How does five silver marks a week sound to you, A.D?" Aryas head snapped back to look on Mehrin, she would get paid, and so much, it was a lot of money, she looked at him a litle longer and then started thinking on all she could get for those money, her mouth spliting into a happy grin. Before she knew what she was doing she had huged the man, she was so happy she just wished her mother could have been here now, that thougth sadened her a litle again, but she was a big girl and wouldnt cry, she would make her mother proud. "Thank you Sir" her voice was tingled with happiness.

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Well, this is certainly awkward, Mehrin thought as he found himself being thoroughly hugged by a child who had only just arrived in the Citadel. "Thank you, Sir," she muttered. Mehrin found himself chuckling in amusment. Not another one! The cavalry officer obviously found it amusing, as well; he was doubled over laughing.


Finally, the child broke off the hug, and Mehrin stood up again. "Well then, we'll finalize this one one condition." Mehrin couldn't help the amused smile that refused to leave, even as he continued. "Don't call me 'sir,' please. It makes me feel older than I already am." Only twenty-eight, but it was the thought that counted, in Mehrin's mind. With that settled, Mehrin offered his hand to the child. "Do we have a deal, then?"

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"Well then, we'll finalize this one one condition." Arya looked on him waiting, "Don't call me 'sir,' please. It makes me feel older than I already am." She smiled, "Do we have a deal, then?" She took his hand, "yes but what should I call you then?" she was sure he had some rank she should use and not just Mehrin. She knew one thing thoug, she liked this one, he seemed nice and he had given her a home which she was grateful for, she felt like everything would be alrigth now, even if her father wherent pleased. That thougth made her stumock knot up again a litle, and she bit her lip. She wasnt sure she wanted to see that big black clothed man angry.

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"Yes, but what should I call you then?" A.D. asked.


Mehrin found another smile on his face. Light, what is happening to me? I'm turning into a moron, here! "My name is Mehrin, so call me that. I can't stand the idea of rank being thrown around instead of a name."


Glancing at the door, Mehrin said, "Well, now that we've got that settled, do you want to go find your father, or would you rather see a little of the Citadel first?"

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"My name is Mehrin, so call me that. I can't stand the idea of rank being thrown around instead of a name." Arya nodded, if he wanted it that way she wouldnt object, maybe it was how it used to be, she was one of them now afterall. That thougth made her proud and she started geting excited again. "Well, now that we've got that settled, do you want to go find your father, or would you rather see a little of the Citadel first?"


One part of her wanted to put out the meeting and see the citadell, but she could almost hear her mothers voice telling her about rigths and wrongs and had a feeling it was the rigth thing to do to go meet the man, besides then it was over with and she would know what happened and she could fully focus on exploring the citadel without having it hanging over her like a dark cloud. "I guess I should go meet my father" she felt she where taking the responsible choise even if she was nervous.

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"Very well, then," Mehrin said. "We'll leave just as soon as I take care of one small bit of unfinished business. Lieutenant?" Mehrin gestured to the man, bringing him to the far corner of the room where he hoped that A.D. would be out of earshot. Once the man had arrived, Mehrin muttered, "Say a word about this to anyone, and I'll be forced to demote you and transfer you to the Infantry. Understand?" The man nodded, and Mehrin turned back to the child.


"Let's go, then," he said as he pushed open the office door and walked through the waiting area to the outside door. The street outside was busy, as usual, with carts, wagons, and people mingling and passing each other. Mehrin's rank was sufficient to gain him a small amount of space in which A.D. was able to move freely, as well, from what Mehrin could tell. As they passed the various structures, Mehrin gave a brief description of what the building was meant to cater to or what function it served.


Finally, the odd duo came to a slightly more isolated section of the Citadel, where newer log buildings were getting an outer wall of stone. Among these buildings bustled the black-coated men from the Black Tower. One of the larger structures served as Dashiva's office. Wasting no time, Mehrin walked to the door and gave it three hard knocks. "Well," he said to A.D., "all we can do now is wait."

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"Very well, then," The man continued "We'll leave just as soon as I take care of one small bit of unfinished business. Lieutenant?" Arya nodded and waited while the men walked over to the other side of the room where she couldnt hear them. Then Mehrin returned and she started to follow him "Let's go, then," They walked through the city and she saw many though none with the black dress so far, she listedned and paid attention as Mehrin explained what the difrent buildings was and made a mental note to look closer on them later. The they sudenly closed on a more isolated section and sudenly she saw men walking around in the same dark coats that her father had, the thougth that she would soon meet him was weird, even if she sort of already met him. They came to halt outside a door and Mehrin knocked the door "Well," she looked up "all we can do now is wait." Arya nodded though she could feel the buterflys move in her stumock.

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Dashiva looked up from his desk at the brisk knocking. He hadn't been in his office long, having gone to get a few drinks from the tavern that most of the asha'men liked.


Frowning a momennt, he stood and called out, "come." Using a small weave of Air he opened the door from behind his desk and nodded at Mehrin. "Mehrin, what can I do for you?"

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"come." The door opened and Mehrin entered so she followed, only there where no one by the door, and then she heard the voice again "Mehrin, what can I do for you?" She looked forth from behind Mehrin and saw the man who they said was her father stood behind a desk, but who had opened the door then.


Shaking her head she figured it would be another time to think on it, it was bether to get this over with and she steped forward so she was infront of Mehrin and in clear view of the other thoug she didnt move any closer, somehow it felt safe to stay closes to the one she knew where she had. Biting her lip she tried to keep her voice steady as she introduced herself. "I'm Arya Daenerys Somtaaw" she waited, not sure what she where to say next at first, somehow she needed to explain. "I.." she turned and looked at Mehrin for a moment then turned back, "They say your Dashiva Somtaaw, thats the name my mother named my father by" the last words came out in a rush rather nervously and she bit her lip again looking nervously on the man trying to see what he thougth about what she had just said.

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