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Children of the light= Children of the dumb?


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I just can't take the children of light seriosuly. They can never see any different and they are so stubborn. Will they never realize that they are heading the wrong way? picking on inocent people in the cities while trollocs keep attacking the borderlands. If they want to end the Shadow so badly why don't they assemble their armies and march to help the borderlands to fight off trolloc attacks?

I'm soon finished with the Shadow Rising but so far I can't see any hope for them. They are annoying and their lack of view provokes me.

will they ever change or do I have to jump into the book and kick Pedron Nialls head with a baseballbat?

hehe sorry I just can't get to why they never realize the truth

btw (jaret byar can go *******


As a lot of aes sedai , Seanchan and other you do not know yet .

This particular lack of clairvoyance as two reason .

The first human tend to get dominate by a lot of little meaningless emotion like greed ,hatred , pride.




Well, as RJ put it,

the Whitecloaks were inspired by the Inquisition, the SS, the Teutonic Knights and others.  In fact, they were inspired by all those groups who say, “We know the truth.  It is the only truth.  You will believe it, or we will kill you.”



I think the Children are as interesting as most factions of Wheel of Time. A military organization that answers to no ruler, I like that, and I like their ambition. Sure, they're not the wisest, but then again there are relatively few people in Wheel of Time that are as wise as they think they are. I think there are some interesting Children of the Light characters, plus there are factions within the Children... Im fairly anxious to see how they'll play out in the end, seeing as theyre hated by more or less everyone.


yeah I look forward to see how it ends with them.

The only whitecloak character I liked that I can think of, (who comes close to having a brain) is Geofram Bornhald. He questioned odd incidents and didn't just bow to random orders. He was not certain about Perrin being a darkfriend either, like his son, the fool Byar and the other whitecloaks. I'm sure he would have realized that Perrin was on the good team and then tried to convince the other whitecloaks to turn their noses elsewhere. A pitty he died in Falme.  :-\


He wasn't convinced that talking with wolves was a darkfriend trait and he wanted a bit more proof. Even so, Perrin was wanted for murder. Consider also who he was associating with at this time - he was at Falme where Aes Sedai were using the power as a weapon to terrorize the countryside and he was in the same party as an Aes Sedai. Both of these would scream darkfriend in any normal circumstances, even without the yellow eyes to give him away. Bornhald would have arrested or killed Perrin.


You're only up to The Shadow Rising? Trust me, more interesting Whitecloak stuff will come to pass. I'm sure you'll end up finding another Whitecloak or two you can like.


You make a pretty good point there Mike but even so there are several reasons for Geofram to see the whole picture with Perrin differntly after Falme


If Geofram was given the time after the battle(that would  have required his survival ofc), he would have noticed (on the dead bodies and on the seanschans the children most likely would capture)that the damane-women in their grey clothing and the sul'dams for that sake would've been dressed very different from the Aes Sedai he knew about. And with a small investigation involving some interregation he would be able to realize that the seanchan had come from the sea. So my point here is that the first time he met Perrin they were far away from Falme. Therefore he would be unable to establish a link between Perrin and the seanchan and realize that it was most unlikely that they had been working together. I think the first meeting between Geofram and Perin also took place before the seanchan even arrived on Falme and Geofram would probably have found out about how long they had a foothold there.



As for the Aes Sedai, Geofram didn't actually see Verin and Perrin together and they were also separated during his assault on Falme. He would not have been able to establish a link between them either unless they admitted knowing each other. He would then still be left with the same supicions he had before.


I'm not putting Rand into the picture because I know he would believe otherwise if he knew about their friendship (and Rand's abilities ofc) but leave Rand out of it and i'm sure he would end up claiming that Perrin was no darkfriend.


You're only up to The Shadow Rising? Trust me, more interesting Whitecloak stuff will come to pass. I'm sure you'll end up finding another Whitecloak or two you can like.

Yeah I hope so : D

I try to convince mike here that Geofram not neccecarily would see Perrin as a darkfriend. He was a wise man, just a bit brainwashed after years in the ranks of the whitecloaks


the children of the light kinda remind me of the light templar, if they wherent brutally destroyed and continued to grow more powerful. (although the knights didnt have any of the childrens 'aspects' just mere speculation on what rampant power would do to an military organization)


Whitecloaks come across as the cannon fodder of the series to me. They don't do anything and spend most of the series ranting about darkfriends before being butchered.


I wonder how it ends with them ;D WAIT don't tell me if you know! Perhaps Perrin will face that he was wrong about them, join their ranks and after a couple of long years raise to Lord Captain Commander?


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