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Power wrought weapons.....

Shadow Rider

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I seem to have a fascination of a sort with the Power wrought weapons.


Ashandarei - Has Ravens engraved in it's blade.

Power Wrought swords - Have herons engraved in the blade.

Justice - Has nothing.


There is 1 Ashandarei that we know of, it has Ravens engraved in the blade normally associated with evil- but not necessarily. I don't think it was made in Thakandar, Aes Sedai would know.


There is 1 Power  wrought Sword "Justice" with no engraving in the blade.

Do you think Hawkwing new Justice was power Wrought?....I don't see how he could not, it never needed sharpening. Kinda hypercritical. Unless he never used it.


There are numerous heron mark blades.


My theory is-

The heron mark blades went to the Generals during The War of The Shadow-

The Ashandarei went to the top General-

and Justice went to a King.....Which King I don't know.


I herd a theory about the heronless swords went to ordinary soldiers but I don't think so, there would be more of those swords in circulation if that were the case.

But I did think Lans sword was power wrought but in tGH Lan is sharpening his sword which a power wrought sword does not need, unless Lan was just passing time?


What are your theories on this?





Lans sword is one of the plain soldier power made swords. You must have an old uncoreted copy of tGH. the referance to him srapining his sword was a type mistake, it was corected to "Lan sat under a tree sharpening his beltknife;". there is a full list of corrected mistakes up through KoD here- http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/ under the Errata and Corrigenda link.


Justice is more than likely another one of the plain soldier swords just like Lan's. he now one could now draw some parilells with Lan and Rand. lol.


also we have seen power made knives- Thom's, they happen to be his best knives. Though it does seem that swords were the most pervalent power made wepon, weither heron marked or not.


also we have seen power made knives- Thom's, they happen to be his best knives.


???  Thoms knives are power wrought?  I don't remember this.. Not doubting but I figured I would remember something like that.  Where does it say they are?  Just curious.


Power wrought knives....in the book I got they are still his second best. ;D


Lans sword is one of the plain soldier power made swords. You must have an old uncoreted copy of tGH. the referance to him srapining his sword was a type mistake, it was corected to "Lan sat under a tree sharpening his beltknife;". there is a full list of corrected mistakes up through KoD here- http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/  under the Errata and Corrigenda link.


So I was right before about Lans sword, but it doesn't explain why they are more rare than the heron mark...

Does anyone know of a reference stating who received OP wrought weapons and why?


If there is a difference in rarity between the heron marked and non heron marked it is probly due to who had gotten the heron marked ones in the first place, lol. Remember that the heron marked blades went orginaly the battle leaders, and then to any secular leaders, the non heron marked blades, which at one time greatly out numbered the heron marked ones, went to the regular soldir, who would have a higher chance of facing a blade that could damage/destroy the blade.


It was some time between the end of the War of Power and the Trolloc wars that the craze for them realy started, and their worth sky rocketed, because it was at this time that the 2nd oath was added and no more were made.


in the current time those who do have a power made sword are either blademasters or ruling elite- tho a note on this not all blade masters have a power made sword, also their might be more of them in Seanchan than there are in Randland just due to the size of the place, no wonder it took Hawkwings line 300 years to conquer that land.


Power wrought knives....in the book I got they are still his second best. ;D


Lans sword is one of the plain soldier power made swords. You must have an old uncoreted copy of tGH. the referance to him srapining his sword was a type mistake, it was corected to "Lan sat under a tree sharpening his beltknife;". there is a full list of corrected mistakes up through KoD here- http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/  under the Errata and Corrigenda link.


So I was right before about Lans sword, but it doesn't explain why they are more rare than the heron mark...

Does anyone know of a reference stating who received OP wrought weapons and why?


Not all Heron Marked blades are made with the power.  Lan and Rand discuss this point specifically during one of their training sessions.  Power wrought heron marked blades are just as rare if not rarer than non-marked blades.

Not all Heron Marked blades are made with the power.  Lan and Rand discuss this point specifically during one of their training sessions.  Power wrought heron marked blades are just as rare if not rarer than non-marked blades.

In the scene you mention, Lan seem to imply the heron marked ones are more rare.


On a side note, same discussion tells that not all power-wrought blades are heron marked.



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